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Oh, Republicans

What would Mitt Romney do to the porn industry?

Right wing versions of left wing ideas. Yeah. One of the things the current R ticket has going against it is that Ryan has voted for all of this spending he now wants to curtail. And, you know, Bush 2 was not exactly one to push for smaller government. In fact, he grew it to the largest point it had been.

3 Responses to “Oh, Republicans”

  1. Gnarly Sheen Says:

    The ironic part of the story is this:
    “Two years ago, Stagliano was sitting in a Washington, D.C., courtroom, charged with seven counts of distributing obscenity.”

    Remind me again who was President two years ago? So maybe Romney will throw you in jail, but Obama definitely will (or at least in this case, try his damnedest). Team Red or Team Blue, we lose either way.

  2. mikee Says:

    I like to think that priorities determine what gets done and what slides past the presidential administrations.

    Reagan took down the Soviet Union, while letting spending increase.

    GHW Bush had a small war he took care of, while forgetting his “No new taxes” pledge.

    Clinton got blown in the Oval Office while the Republicans took back the House.

    GW Bush successfully implemented anti-terror legislation, took down 2 countries, and led a recovery from 9-11’s economic impact, while allowing government to grow unchecked and deficits to spiral.

    B Obama got his keloptocratic cronyism going with Obamacare, saved some of his union supporters, expanded regulatory control of many parts of US industry, but has allowed Islamist fundamentalism to grow and has sent debt climbing like a Saturn V.

    Romney has a few priorities, domestic and foreign: the elimination of Obamacare, reversal of the regulatory behemoth, stopping the growth of the welfare state; holding gains in the War on Terror and stopping Islamist expansion, reconciling US policy to Chinese expansionism. What he will miss, or will allow to slide, will be seen.

    But to say porn is a priority of Romney’s presidency is like saying you must decide where to eat dinner tonight, while choking to death on a swallowed squirrel.

  3. NotClauswitz Says:

    Porn is a business AND an industry – they DID build it. Romney will re-vitalize the porn industry with buffed-out big-hair copycat actors and more Sarah Palin sex-clones!

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