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Speaking of numbers

You’re Eight Times More Likely to be Killed by a Police Officer than a Terrorist

8 Responses to “Speaking of numbers”

  1. mikee Says:

    Sort of like being more likely to be murdered if you are a wife beating, gang banging, drug dealing menace to society, your likelihood to be shot by an officer of the law increases pretty much exponentially if you are a criminal engaged in violent criminal acts in public.

    Otherwise, most folks are pretty safe from death by police and from murder.

    Although if I ever cheat on my wife, I would expect the sure and certain retaliation to be swift, painful and likely fatal. So I have that going for me.

  2. Divemedic Says:

    @ mikee: tell that to these people:

  3. Ted N Says:

    Well, in some cases the killer could count as both. Just thought I’d point that out.

  4. Mu Says:

    In my home town, every police shooting for the last 25 years has been presented to a grand jury. A special grand jury, whose only duty was to find the shooting justified or not justified (no right to indict anyone), and the only evidence presented was to justify the shooting.
    Not a single shooting was found unjustified, including the guy with the four bullets in the back, and the case where the coroner declared the physical evidence incompatible with the statements of the officers.
    Oddly enough, I worry more about death by police than death by terrorists.

  5. TomcatTCH Says:

    Look, if the cops where held liable, actually punished, when they committed negligent homicide or murdered someone, maybe this wouldn’t be as scary a statistic.

    It seems like ALL questionable LEO shootings are found justified, or result in the offending officer being sent home on paid vacation (I mean leave), or even fired as a “harsh” response. Not prosecuted in the way a private citizen would be in the same circumstance.

    That sure as hell doesn’t present any reason they should be careful, or in fact not murder a private citizen.

    We’ve seen a few instances of REALLY bad shoots on video. We KNOW bad cops attempt to destroy video evidence. We’ve seen how an entire police union came down on one of their own in Florida for daring to pull over a speeding cop.

    I do not have the warm fuzzy’s with regard to our law enforcement agencies, officers, or the legal system.

    I doubt I’m alone.

  6. Todd Says:

    Well I guess we had better ban Police Officers. Think of the Children. LOL!

  7. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “Well, at least I’d be paying for it. I mean, I’d be getting my money’s worth for all those tax dollars that I spend on police ammunition if they shot me, wouldn’t I?”

  8. richard popkin Says:

    The interesting thing about this, to me, is that it ignores the both the raw data, and the justifiable issue. Thus it is like all of the far flung statistics that anti-rights folks bandy about. It really tells us very little about the extent of a problem.

    For example:

    If one person is killed by a terrorist and eight are killed by police, in a country of 300+ million people, while tragic, it is statistically insignificant. If seven of those cases are justifiable (87.5%), then the issue becomes even less of a problem. Statistical data is really if no value without more information (i.e. was the year 2001 included; 20000 people killed by police that year would raise a few eyebrows).

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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