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White 7 year-olds can shoot helicopters out of the sky

Blacks will lose the race war, says some black power type. And encourages gun ownership.

12 Responses to “White 7 year-olds can shoot helicopters out of the sky”

  1. Jailer Says:

    I want that 8 seconds of my life back. That’s all I could stomach……

  2. Johnny flash Says:

    He may not have no boolits, but he got plenty of f-bombs….. Sheeee-it

  3. Chas Says:

    “I want that 8 seconds of my life back. Thats all I could stomach”

    Same here.

    You know, I was flying my helicopter along just fine the other day, and a six-year old shot me down! It was more than just the nexus of a Daisy Red Ryder and the “golden BB” theory – I had never imagined that they made wingsuits for weaponized six-year olds! The kid leaped off a mountain, swooped by my aircraft, and took me out with one shot! The turbine tore itself apart! I barely escaped with my life! Oh, the humanity!

  4. Bob Barker Says:

    LOL, it’s true, seen it mysef. Hommies can’t hit nothin’. Safest thing’s jess stand still til he’s out.

  5. Nathan Says:

    “Chopper” is ghetto slang for a Kalashnikov rifle. He isn’t talking about helicopters, he’s saying 7 year old white girls are more accurate with a notoriously inaccurate rifle than grown black men.

    The etymological benefits of living in Metro-Detroit. 😐

  6. Bobby Says:

    Yeah, ‘Choppers’ are a loose name for modern rifles.

  7. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    Wow. I watched the whole thing for a payoff. That made a whole lot of not much sense. The words were derived mostly from English, but the most sense I could make was my GF & kids are better shots than him. Does this mean it’s good I have a lot of ammunition?

  8. Ellen Says:

    I don’t speak Ebonic.

  9. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Funny thing is, he does have a Valid Point. “Spray and Pray” does have limited effect in a Combat Situation. So even though from a Cultural Stand Point, he’s as Vile as any KKK Member, from a Marksmanship Stand Point, he’s right.

    Of course, the fact that he is OBVIOUSLY using “Hate Speech” to make his point about Poor Marksmanship will ensure that the DOJ and Eric Holder will shut this guy down.

    Right after the Obama Admin comes clean about Fast and Furious.

  10. HL Says:

    He is pretty much correct in every thing he says.

  11. nk Says:

    Thanks for the warning, guys. I skipped the video. And “choppers” was slang for submachine guns, Thompsons for sure, from the 1920s on.

  12. Rob Crawford Says:

    I thought it was a reference to the guys at the dove hunt taking down a UAV.

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