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Weapons transfers

A visualization from Google

6 Responses to “Weapons transfers”

  1. MrSatyre Says:

    Very cool graphic. But…I’ve always wondered how anyone can accurately calculate the sales of countries like Russia and China who typically don’t publish their sales and aren’t at all honest about who they’re selling to in the first place let alone how much and of what. Time after time we’re reading about how cargo ship A gets boarded in harbor B with a cache of weapons bound for country C originating from country D. How many are getting through we never know about? What about those sales?

  2. Cargosquid Says:

    Those sales will be prevented by the UN treaty on Small Arms, don’t you know? Of course they will….. trust ’em. They don’t lie.

  3. mikee Says:

    I don’t see the US DOJ Fast and Furious firearms transfers to the Mexican drug cartels anywhere on that presentation.

  4. Jack Says:

    MrSatyre, those sales don’t count.

    Check out the wording of the first paragraph. There’s a mention of revolvers, talk of how most small arms are in private hands, talk of how most voilent deaths are due to small amrs, implying that some sort of global arms tracking treaty would help all this.

    It’s pretty clear what google really wants out of this.

  5. Pete Says:

    Yeah, it’s pretty obvious this is not an accurate or factual representation, but a propaganda piece. I’m sure we’ll see this come up as if it were accurate in future articles promoting gun control.

    Leaving out Russian and China, and even India, and some of the smaller countries in Asia is a total joke. It would make a wise user suspect of all the numbers used to calculate their pretty, bright lines.

  6. MrSatyre Says:

    @ Jack: Exactly my points. I was stating the obvious because clearly there’s an agenda with this sort of cherry-picking. Sarcasm doesn’t translate very well in this medium.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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