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In politics and gun news

Mitt Romney says we don’t need more gun laws

Schumer tries to slip gun control bill into cyber security bill to ban standard capacity magazines.

One Response to “In politics and gun news”

  1. Chas Says:

    I heard Romney on Sean Hannity’s show the other day, and he said that he was in Colorado, and that he had visited a woman who had been “shot in the mouth with a bullet”, and another pregnant woman who had been shot in the neck and subsequently miscarried and who was paralyzed from the neck down as a result of the shooting. Horrific things to say. There was a snarl in Romney’s voice when he talked about it, and he only talked about the two women’s injuries. Exactly what I’d expect from a former commie lib Governor from Marxachusetts.
    We’re fucked!
    Either we get a Republican who can pass an AWB with a wave of his hand, as Republican Pataki did in NY, or we get another 4 years of Obama, and HIS appointments to SCOTUS, which are likely to be worse than Romney’s.
    Whoever is holding Romney’s feet to the fire; could you hold them a little more closely, please?
    Or, I’m going to vote Libertarian again, this time around and buy a lot more ammo. Who is that Libertarian guy this time around, anyway?
    Look, either Romney gets his sorry, half-commie ass more on our side, or I vote Libertarian again. Whoever is supposed to be keeping his feet to the fire isn’t doing his job, that is, if it can be done at all.
    Fuck it, and we do the cartridge box, or this SOB from Marxachusetts cleans up his act! I am not voting for an equivocating, Marxachusetts douchebag who doesn’t know his ass from his Second Amendment! Romney? Fuck Romney! Either that shithead gets his shit together, or it’s the fucking cartridge box! Douchebag from Marxachusetts for POTUS my ass!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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