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Marines get M45 Close Quarter Battle Pistols

From Colt. I’d go with Glocks or M&Ps.

16 Responses to “Marines get M45 Close Quarter Battle Pistols”

  1. Divemedic Says:

    Glocks or M&Ps won’t happen. the military won’t buy a general issue weapon that doesn’t have a manual safety.

  2. HSR47 Says:

    MARSOC has been using 1911’s for decades; They’re simply coming to the end of what they can do with their stock of 1911’s, some of which date back at least as far as WWII.

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Divemedic, FYI all M&Ps can be ordered with a 1911-style thumb safety. Its an option on all full-size and compact guns, and standard on the shield.

  4. HardCorp Says:

    What? How many non-1911s were used while earning medals of honor? You just can’t spout a conclusion without any evidence.

  5. Divemedic Says:

    True. I bought my M&Ps without a manual safety, but I forgot that you can get them with a manual safety.

  6. Sid Says:

    You have to admit that is a sweet gun.

  7. Bram Says:

    I would go with a rifle or shotgun.

  8. Kristopher Says:

    Army weapon handling doctrine requires an exposed hammer and a manual safety.

    JMB put that external hammer on the 1911 because the Army demanded it.

  9. Reno Sepulveda Says:

    From what I gather this is still just for MARSOC. One way or another, it was going to be a .45 1911. For everybody else in the Corps, it’s the Berreta M9.

  10. Huck Says:

    Egad! It has a picatinny rail on it!

  11. Jeff Cooper Says:

    We are smiling.

  12. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Hmm. Wonder if those new Marine Corp Military Police Battalions that were announced earlier this week are going to get them also?

  13. Bram Says:

    Maybe – in the Gulf War, we had a Marine MP detachment bring in a group of Iraqi prisoners. A few had M16’s or shotguns, most just had .45’s. Out of earshot of the prisoners, they asked us if we had any .45 ammo.

    They had not found any .45 ammo since arriving in Saudi Arabia and most of them were pointing empty pistols at the prisoners.

  14. Critter Says:

    i had thought that the specs called for a 10 round mag. is this still the case or did something change? i think the H&K would have done well and been no more expensive than anything with Colt on the side.

  15. Robert Says:

    More specifically, the requirement for the external hammer on the M1911 came from the cavalry, who wanted a rider to be able to cock it one-handed by rubbing the hammer against the saddle or his pants.

  16. ALEXISTAN Says:

    Yer just tryin’ te start a squabble, ain’t ye?

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