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Progressives illustrated

OMG there are non-liberals among us who look hip just like us!

10 Responses to “Progressives illustrated”

  1. HL Says:

    The Hipster Douchebags are the worst. I would prefer pure Beatniks.

  2. Instinct Says:

    And they use Meghan McCain as an example of a conservative??? Seriously?

  3. Hippies Suck Says:

    Good, infiltrate the hipsters. Even in Williamsburg. Everywhere.

  4. Rivrdog Says:

    My test for them is if they can get past the second stanza of America the Beautiful. Or, if they’ve ever heard the jingoistic verses, or if they can even define jingoism.

  5. Rivrdog Says:

    …and fixies? We have MANY serious bicycle folk here in Stumptown, and all of them say the fixie-wheelers are nuts.

  6. John Smith. Says:

    They dress like they are living in Degrassi junior high full time..

  7. NotClauswitz Says:

    Ouch, the douche presumptiveness of the article was so painful I couldn’t get to page 2., and fixies are like facial piercings. The fsct that such people are so easily at home in San Frandisco as NYC is proof that a wormhole exists somewhere over the Mid-West.

  8. Free-range Oyster Says:

    @Instinct: not conservative, they called her libertarian! I’ve got Inigo Montoya in the back of my head now, muttering “I do not think it means what you think it means”. On the topic itself, I’ve know a few conservative and libertarian hippies for years, so conservative hipsters aren’t really that big a shock to me. I will admit to relishing the schadenfreude from the progressives and other statists on the subject.

  9. Cormac Says:

    She doesn’t just call her a conservative…
    “…Meghan McCain, the right-wing libertarian daughter of our almost-president.”
    LIBERTARIAN???!?!?? What?
    Is she calling herself that because she’s too dumb to know the difference, or are other people saying it?

  10. Lyle Says:

    And just what is a “laissez-faire liberal”? Wouldn’t that be something like a hooker-for-abstinence or a pro-life abortion mill? Someone needs to learn the language.

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