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Getting a gun in DC

A how to guide for lawful possession.

4 Responses to “Getting a gun in DC”

  1. countertop Says:

    Wow. That still seems like a lot. Here’s the process across the Potomac in the US of A

    1. Go to store
    2. Pick out gun
    3. Fill out state and federal form
    4. Pay for gun
    5. Get some ammo and spare mags
    6. Head home
    7. Grab a cheeseburger

  2. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    We don’t even have a state form here.

  3. Stretch Says:

    Thank heaven I live in America.

  4. Jeff from DC Says:

    With the likelyhood of the mayor and the majority of the remaining city council members going down on corruption charges, things stand to get better.

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