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The TSA, again

Steal a deaf man’s candy and call him a ‘fucking deafie’. Fire them all.

10 Responses to “The TSA, again”

  1. Mike Says:

    Not gonna happen, but, on a lark, I wonder what it WOULD take to get rid of the TSA.

    They have assaulted/humiliated/groped/near-raped/illegally detained almost every demographic: the disabled, children and infants, attractive young women, minor celebrities, veterans, active duty military, a sitting Senator, lactating mothers, the elderly, political activists, and the list goes on. Really, the only demos that I have not heard a peep from are Muslims, African-Americans, and illegal aliens (either they are treated with kid gloves or you just never hear any complaints).

    So whose junk has to be squeezed to gut this bastard agency?

  2. deadcenter Says:


    shumer, clinton, sharpton, jackson, boehner, hatch, etc.

    anyone and everyone that is not part of our elected aristocracy is fair game for humiliation. Rand Paul doesn’t count.

  3. Rob Crawford Says:

    “Really, the only demos that I have not heard a peep from are Muslims, African-Americans, and illegal alien…”

    Who do you think staffs the TSA?

  4. BubbleHead Les Says:

    Wonder what would happen if someone walked up to those TSA Thugs and said “Fucking Wannabe Mall Cops?”

  5. Heather Says:


  6. HL Says:

    Man, I dislike the TSA, but this seems a little TOO far-fetched. I know they grope grannies and little girls, and I agree hey should go, but surely there were witnesses for this that would speak up if it were true.

    They can hide behind policy for the other shit they do…but I don’t think this can qualify as “policy”.

  7. ATLien Says:

    rtfa. at the end, i get the feeling someone is leaning on him.

  8. HL Says:


    I did…the “author” is the victim, and it is his tumblr site that is down…he is the only one to speak up about this…no one else did, even if someone is leaning on him, surely someone else would speak up.

    Again, I shit on the TSA, but this just doesn’t seem like their MO.

  9. Paul Says:

    Ok called him a ‘fucking deffie”, then sue him under the AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT!!! And for discrimination to. 10 percent of the American people ARE HARD OF HEARING. So sue them!!!!

  10. Acme Rocket Says:

    A member of my family is deaf. You can guarantee it if I ever heard a TSA agent, or anyone call them a “fucking deafie” you would be reading about me in the next day’s paper. I’ll sit in jail with head held high. The other asshole can rest in a hospital bed.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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