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In fast and furious news: contempt!

Congresswoman Ann Marie Buerkle to vote for holding Holder in contempt.

Cornyn calls on Holder to resign. I caught Holder’s response on the radio and he said that he wasn’t going to. The tone and contempt in his voice was clear that he sees nothing wrong with what he’s done here.

7 Responses to “In fast and furious news: contempt!”

  1. kbiel Says:

    I don’t agree. I think he knows he did wrong, hence all the redactions on what few documents his office provided. Rather, I see him like a 14 year old with a severe case of oppositional defiance disorder.

  2. Crotalus Says:

    He won’t resign, and he knows that a “contempt of Congress” charge means nothing. The Dems in the Senate will not do anything, and Obomination will protect his boy in the DOJ. The BATFEces will soon be free to attack the 2A, and railroad the dealers they entrapped. The government will get away with this travesty without a scratch.

  3. Laughingdog Says:

    Granted, he’s pretty evasive for a guy who seems to think he did nothing wrong.

  4. aeronathan Says:

    Keep fighting all the way to the jailhouse asshole…

  5. Ian Argent Says:

    You know why Congress rarely impeaches anyone? They normally have the good sense to resign first. Holder is doing himself and the administration no favors by riding the wreck in. I would trust less in party solidarity than in defense of congressional privilege. Holder is basically flipping the bird at Congress, a body of men and women notoriously jealous of power and its trappings. Why he did it isn’t going to matter, particularly.

  6. Lyle Says:

    “The tone and contempt in his voice was clear that he sees nothing wrong with what he’s done here.”

    Typical statist scum. Pol Pot died saying he believed he had done great things for his people.

  7. Bubblehead Les Says:

    As long as it’s taking to drag this out, one of 2 things happens (IMHO).
    A) Obama Wins in November, covers Holder’s Butt, because one phone call from Eric to Foxnews can bring down the House of Cards. B) Obama Loses, Holder’s out anyway, and Romney has too much on his plate to UnScrew, so Mittens tell Boehner to tell Issa to let it go.

    Of course, if the Repubs also lose the House, then Nancy’s back, and Issa gets Booted down to Ranking Member on the NOAA Oversight Sub Committee.

    Also, keep in mind, Congress should be going on Vacation until after Labor Day soon, so don’t expect much Forward Progress.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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