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What government does

They have more drones than they know what to do with. And they can’t fly them all. So, they order more of course!

5 Responses to “What government does”

  1. nick Says:

    at least they aren’t using the ones they have…

  2. Grumpy Says:

  3. Lyle Says:

    “Sporting Clays” will soon be taking on a whole new meaning I guess. I don’t suppose the game departments will be issuing any tags for drones, so how will we be able to keep track of the harvest numbers?

  4. Lyle Says:

    Drones = Counter Drones.

  5. Lyle Says:

    Counter Drones = Drone Control legislation = Black Market in Counter Drones = Profits = more legislation to combat the Black Market in Counter Drones = Increased Prices and Higher Profits for Black Market Counter Drones = more Black Market Counter Drones = the Federal Department of Counter Drone Intradiction = even Higher Profits in Black Market Counter Drones = Corruption inside the Federal Department for Counter Drone Intradiction = Bigger budgets for the Federal Department for Counter Drone Intradiction = …

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