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Shaking my bowcaster back

Something being someone else’s idea doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t discuss the relative merits of that idea. Sure, it doesn’t affect me but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to say be careful to anyone trying it. I’m not going to try to stop anyone and, hey, knock yourself out.

5 Responses to “Shaking my bowcaster back”

  1. Mike V. Says:

    I believe in training hard and I know, especially in martial arts, accidents sometimes happen (Gunsite even had someone shot during a drill a few years ago).I guess my takeaway is train as hard as you can within common sense safety perameters

  2. mikee Says:

    My daughter came home from Tae Kwon Do with a black eye and a swollen nose the other day. She says she earned it, in sparring with a kid of lower belt ranking but longer/faster reach who got past her blocks and missed her helmet.

    She’s been doing this martial art for 5 years. This is her first injury, other than sore muscles from the exercise. She explained that she got hurt because she did several things wrong, and it will likely not happen again because the lesson has been learned.

    Oddly enough, she has been hurt worse and more often in gymnastics, which is supposedly non-contact, except for when gravity smacks her against the ground.

  3. Broken Andy Says:

    Again? Is this still a thing?

  4. Ellen Says:

    As long as nobody involved was conscripted into it.

  5. Jerry Says:

    Any person, who, teaches self defense, to other people, should not, break, said person. ‘Dat’s what I ‘tank.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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