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Over 100K Clarksville City residents information compromised

Looks like a hacker group has published a list of names, social security numbers, and school system computer passwords online. The group’s message is:

Clarksville, Tennessee was primarily targeted due to their belligerence. To be clear here, We gave Tennessee a chance to comply and they didn’t, therefore, this is the consequence they’ll have to swallow.

No idea what they were supposed to comply with. Anyone?

Update: Also, no local press coverage at all. People might want to know that.

13 Responses to “Over 100K Clarksville City residents information compromised”

  1. ATLien Says:

    They want to expose the “murder of America” so they release info on a bunch of schoolkids? WTF kind of idiots are these people?

    And why does the school have all these kids’ SS numbers anyway?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    what is the “murder of America”?

  3. Kristopher Says:

    Who knows?

    Some kind of hivemind bullcrap that a group of 4chan retards who think they are elite cyber-commandos cooked up.

  4. wizardpc Says:

    That’s local TV news

  5. Blake Says:

    That story by NC5 doesn’t indicate that the data was already released.

    Heck, I’ve already found some teachers whose data is on the list (SSN and all), but they weren’t aware of it, and it’s been out there half the day.

  6. Blake Says:

    You’d think that the school would have notified the students and teachers already.

  7. Blake Says:

    Just heard that the teachers are getting phone alerts now. Good to know.

  8. Blake Says:

    BTW…NC5 updated their story at some point to say that it had been released.

  9. Blake Says:

    My assumption is that the Clarksville schools didn’t comply with a request to harden their systems to protect data. “Fix your systems or be hacked.”

    Then, they release the data.


  10. Dustydog Says:

    The school district should be financially liable, without limit, for any loss of income or injury.

    Mandatory enrollment of children; mandatory to provide the SSNs and other personal information = fully culpable.

  11. DirtCrashr Says:

    The Last Train leaving Clarksville, report to the Principal’s Office…

  12. gattsuru Says:

    >And why does the school have all these kids’ SS numbers anyway?

    Because it’s used in so many places that students can’t reasonably expect to avoid it. I know Purdue was using SSNs as student IDs as recently as 2004, it was so common for kids to have given the college their SSN anyway. Should never have been the case, but it’s how things are.

  13. bob r Says:

    “Because it’s used in so many places that students can’t reasonably expect to avoid it.”

    Bull. Just refuse to give it and tell them to make up a number of their choosing to use as an “id” number. I, in the not *too* distant past, did exactly that at three different schools in Washington State. They already have a process in place to do exactly that; such a process is *required* because not *all* potential students even *have* an SSN.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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