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Registration leads to confiscation

Not always by governments though

In Australia, fears that the recent theft of 50 firearms was the result of their firearms registry being compromised.

3 Responses to “Registration leads to confiscation”

  1. rickn8or Says:

    And now you know why certain Commercial Appealing newspapers making names and addresses of CCW holders available infuriates me.

  2. Lyle Says:

    What the rickn8tor said. That’s the one and only motivation for trying to publicize the registries. The one and only cure is to get rid of registries altogether. It’s none of our public servants’ business in the first place. They work for us and if they don’t like it they can simply piss off and get a real job.

  3. Bobby Says:

    One of the more important scenes in “Red Dawn” broached this subject…

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