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I’ve seen this movie, they always say that!!!

In Light Of Recent Episodes, CDC Makes Statement That Zombies Don’t Actually Exist

9 Responses to “I’ve seen this movie, they always say that!!!”

  1. Divemedic Says:

    Be careful, or will be getting a visit from Agent Franks.

  2. Laughingdog Says:

    Yet. They don’t actually exist…yet.


  3. Rustmeister Says:

    They’ll keep saying that, right up to where you’re swinking a banjo in the Twinkie aisle.

  4. Alan Says:

    If you’re eating someone’s face or other body part while it’s still attached and kicking, I’m saying you’re a zombie.

    Of course if you’re eating a face or body part of a corpse then you’re just a ghoul.

  5. Moshe Says:

    The CDC didn’t make a public statement that zombies don’t exist. They responded to an email from HufPo and in it they said

    “CDC does not know of a virus or condition that would reanimate the dead (or one that would present zombie-like symptoms),”.

  6. Huck Says:

    Zombies DO exist! The mindless parasites have been among us for decades! We know them as…. LIBERALS! 🙂

  7. mikee Says:

    Zombies are metaphors for mindless implacable evil, sort of like OWS is to liberalism, or hippies in a drum circle are to humanity.

  8. HL Says:

    You Zed assholes need to get real and prepare for Aliens. They could realistically arrive any minute, or never.

    One thing is for certain, they cannot be stopped.

  9. SPQR Says:

    The CDC does have a hilarious zombie parody on their website.

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