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Good way to get shot

Whenever I happen to catch one of those shows where they put people in dangerous situations to see how they react, I often wonder how long it will be before someone gets shot. Well, some guy decided to wander around acting like a cannibal or zombie or some such; and chasing people. And someone pointed a gun at him. Darwin didn’t get his that day.

6 Responses to “Good way to get shot”

  1. John Richardson Says:

    Everytime I watch John Quinones on “Primetime: What Would You Do?” I am amazed some of those actors don’t get cold-cocked or worse.

  2. Jim S Says:

    We must ban something….for the childrens!!!

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I suspect the guy with the gun might have been an banger rather than a CHP guy (also a couple of the guys jammed their hands into their pockets as they ran which suggest something they didn’t want to drop out)

    He’s lucky they didn’t kill him and his cameraman and stash the bodies.

  4. Firehand Says:

    I’ve been wondering how long it would take

  5. John Farrier Says:

    He was just a bully harassing random strangers. If he had gotten shot, I wouldn’t shed a tear.

  6. Dustydog Says:

    Not real. The guy with a gun was an actor. Don’t know is wfla is a real news organization, but either they jumped to conclusions (believing fake comments designed to make the video more exciting, Onion-style) or somebody deliberately lied to them.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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