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Shooting in Seattle

Some nutjob got kicked out of a cafe and instead of putting a note in the suggestion box, he left and got his gun and came back and killed a bunch of people. One man fought back with a bar stool but a gun would have probably helped more. The shooter had a history of dismissed assault charges and a carry permit. Expect the blood-dancers to get right on that.

But you know how is to really blame? The libertarians. Well, at least the Paper of making up the Record says so:

Even in the best of times, the police in Seattle, a generally low-crime city, live under something of a bell jar of scrutiny. Widespread libertarian sentiments about personal liberty — and a small but vocal anarchist community ready on short notice to throw epithets, or sometimes rocks, at the police — often bump up against expectations of personal safety.

Yup. Scrutiny of police by those crazy libertarians have caused an increase in shootings. Or something.

4 Responses to “Shooting in Seattle”

  1. Robert Says:

    You might want to proofread your first sentence and correct it. I am sure that you weren’t involved, but you kinda incriminated yourself there.

  2. SayUncle Says:


  3. Sean D Sorrentino Says:

    Thanks for the link.

  4. hist_ed Says:

    Jesus Christ on pogo stick. I live in the burbs just outside of Seattle. There are so many things wrong with the paragraph you quoted:
    First, as the article mentions but dances around, the DOJ has been giving the Seattle PD the full court TSA gropefest. The biggest “bell jar of scrutiny” (what a weird phrase) is coming from Eric Holder.
    Second, libertarians and libertarian sentiments ain’t too common in Seattle except regarding dope smoking.
    Third, the “anarchist community” isn’t. Most of the people in Seattle that call themselves anarchists and throw bricks into Starbuck’s windows demand things like universal healthcare and free college for all. I had a conversation with one who a while back who seriously didn’t see any contradiction between being an anarchist and a socialist.

    Seattle is not in a “rip tide” of guns this year anymore than in previous years. Most of the shootings, you will all be surprised to hear, were by people who couldn’t legally own guns (the Cafe Racer shooting was an exception).

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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