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Gun bubble: people fear zombies, Mayans and the robot Joe Biden army

Analysts says one reason people are stockpiling weapons and ammo is doomsday fears.

4 Responses to “Gun bubble: people fear zombies, Mayans and the robot Joe Biden army”

  1. Barron Barnett Says:

    With the run on the banks in Greece, if this bubble implodes, guns will only increase in value.

    You’ll be able to trade a box of 50 rounds of .22lr for a virgin.

    As long as our idiots in charge keep spending like tomorrow is never going to come, we do need to be afraid of tomorrow not looking like today.

  2. Rivrdog Says:

    Half-right. Yes, fear Obama’s re-election and an attack on the 2A which WILL follow, but Zombie Apocalypse?

    For your pretend Zombie Apocalypse, I have the pretend Zombie Disintegrator Ray Gun, sitting in my safe next to my real guns, accumulated as if there were not going to be future sales of them after a point in time.

  3. MAJ Mike Says:

    Yeah. So?

    Back during the Y2K scare, people constanty came by my office to see what I had done to prepare for the crisis. They would list all the food, water, etc they had gathered. I noticed none of them listed ammunition. I would smile and tell them that all of my firearms were Y2K compliant and if I needed anything I’d be by to get their’s.

    After a while, these clowns quit bothering me and I got work done.

    Yes, I’ve stockpiled ammunition, but frequent practice burns up lots of pistol and rile food.

  4. Bobby Says:

    Oh, so now its a bubble. See, last week it was “gun sales are down”.

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