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Sound and fury, signifying nothing

GOP leaders go slow on Eric Holder contempt vote. Been a lot of talk about fast and furious, not much action.

6 Responses to “Sound and fury, signifying nothing”

  1. Rustmeister Says:

    I’m hoping this thing doesn’t get real legs till September or so. Could the Stupid Party really be that smart?

  2. Mike Says:

    This is all BS. You know how I know? Because Boehner/Issa/etc. are White; and Holder is (still) Black.

    Trust me on this: inside the Beltway, race trumpts corruption. Think about all the stuff that Charlie Rangel and his ilk in the Congressional Black Caucus have gotten away with. And nobody dares to touch a hair on their heads.

    No (white) politician wants the media circus that would ensue if Holder decided to fight back: ACORN/PUSH/NAACP vigils ouside the congresscritter’s office, extensive reports on GMA and the evening news, full spreads in the WaPo and NYT about “racist” rocks and lakes with “racist” names, etc.

    I have to give Issa credit: that he’s come this far, given the political realities of race in DC, is astonishing. But don’t expect anything to come from it.

    Bank on two things. First, nothing will come of this contempt issue (assuming it ever comes to a vote). Second, if Obama loses in November, there WILL be riots in the major cities, fanned by Obama supporters spreading rumors of voter fraud. Prepare accordingly.

  3. SGB Says:

    It’s all one party inside the Beltway.

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    It’s being timed for maximum impact. It’s a game, both sides play it.

    It also doesn’t mean that the contempt charge is without merit.

    I’m also pretty sure “contempt of congress” for Holder isn’t the same thing as “contempt of court” would be for us little people. Fucking Ray Nagin was held in contempt twice, yet spent zero time in jail, holding the “keys of his prison in his own pocket.”

  5. Rick Says:

    Correct there Standard Mischief. Assuming The Stupid Party has the spine to bring contempt charges at all, Bonher (Golfing Buddy) and Issa are trying to time it for maximum impact. Holder is merely trying to run out the clock.

  6. Lyle Says:

    I don’t care if they hit ’em late so long as they hit ’em hard. And we all know that the commander in chief is guilty too. Holder = Obama.

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