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Ballista Tactical: Nautilus Rotating Rail

Ballista Tactical, maker of gun parts and employer of blondes in tank tops, announces the rotating rail for your AR-15:

look at all that stuff i can cram on there

This way, you can put all manner of sights, gizmos and doodads on your AR. Some video here featuring the aforementioned blonde.

15 Responses to “Ballista Tactical: Nautilus Rotating Rail”

  1. ZCORR Says:

    Innovative but what ever happened to good old technique and skill?

  2. Jim S Says:

    The ACOG is a good touch. Back up irons are also good. Adjustable stock is good if you shoot in both warm and cold climates.

    But the rotating rail screams three things:
    Because iz race gun!
    Mall ninja!
    Has way too much crap on the carbine to begin with!

  3. EchoVictor76 Says:

    Next step: motorize the rail so it rotates with push of a button (at 600rpm)

  4. Jack Says:

    Wow! Now I no longer have to pick just one forward grip!

  5. Dano Says:

    This product could prompt a sequel to Hijak86’s most tactical AR video.

  6. Andy Says:

    EchoVictor, I was thinking the same thing.

  7. Kristopher Says:

    Yep … putting a motor on it to make it a spinny bit was the first thing that entered my little mind as well.

  8. Kristopher Says:

    Ya know … you could sell a small motor and rubber driving wheel, with a rail mount under it, and a tab to depress the locking button.

    Then add a hand grip switch to make the rails rotate as needed.

    I wonder how much I could sell such a gadget for?

  9. yj Says:

    You’d think fatty would have been more happy standing beside someone pretty that he is paying to stand beside him.

    and watching fatty go prone gave me a pain

  10. HL Says:

    This is a Game Changer. They are going to make hundreds of dollars.

  11. Drake Says:

    I am reminded of Ivan Chesnokovs comment: “rifle need more dumb shit on it”

  12. Rivrdog Says:

    Let’s see…with that gizmo, you ought to be able to get the battle weight of an AR over 12 pounds…hmmm, I recall that the US Rifle, Caliber 30, known to all as the M1, weighed 9.2 pounds empty, just under 10 loaded.

    I thought the whole idea of the AR/M16 platform was about light weight…

  13. Chuck Says:

    Couldn’t I buy a backup rifle for the $650?

  14. Daeglan Says:

    This is a solution in search of a problem.
    I did not see one thing in that video that a normal rail could not do. Move the for grip out of the way of a barrier. ….how bout backing off the barrier a little then the fore grip does not get in the way. Which you are supposed to do any way to keep bullets deflecting into you.

  15. bravo3 Says:

    @EchoVictor76 – Fail. Motorized means batteries, batteries mean Operators In The Suck will need a supply chain to keep their rail rotating. Supply chains fail.

    Think: operator-controlled wind-up spring. The backup is a recoil starter handle attached to 3 feet of rope.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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