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Tactical Jeans

At the NRA convention in Pittsburgh, I had mentioned to a couple of folks who made tactical clothes that what I wanted was some tactical jeans. That is, jeans with concealed pockets and such. No one listened to me. But a cop in Houston designed some concealed carry jeans.

The other thing they’ve yet to listen to is that there is likely a huge market for stylish women’s clothes designed with the concealed carrier in mind. After all, most women don’t like to wear vests and khakis all the time.

7 Responses to “Tactical Jeans”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    $150 a pair?

  2. John Smith. Says:

    Few problems with these jeans. First the gun is concealed by a zipper… I don’t know about you unc but when I have to pee really bad getting that zipper down is a bitch in jeans… Picture how much fumbling will go on when you have someone holding you at gunpoint or hell even holding others at gunpoint…

    Not sure that fumbling with a zipper on your pants will not be mistook for something a tad more perverted and get you shot on degenerate principle..

  3. comatus Says:

    Two seconds!? You might as well carry on an empty chamber.

    Be sure to let me know when the “huge women’s market” (!) gets in line for those. They look like something worn with a bicycle helmet, while pitching 58 feet.

  4. Phenicks Says:

    What’s the weird sideways zipper near the crotch? If you could pee out that you’d be able to scare off anyone (and have a job in the adult movie business).

  5. Randy Says:

    I don’t own a pair but have seen these around for a few years.

  6. Jess Banda Says:

    The pants fail because they try to be everything to everyone…besides, I refuse to purchase pants which use the word “operator” in the sales literature.

  7. xpo172 Says:

    Well, they’re $150 cause they’re made in America. You’re gonna have to pay more if you want stuff made here in the states.

    That being said, these are really ugly.

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