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Way to be helpful

In The City (My The City), our local newspaper sucks. It’ll tell you how many meth labs were raided this week, how many automobile accidents there were and post the occasional mugshot. And it will tell you that about 5 hippies are upset at some development project only because the hippies burn up the phone line. And it will run the AP RSS feed. But it won’t really tell you what happened in local politics or anything like that. And they suck at the internet.

For instance, here’s an article on a man wanted by the FBI. Notice how you can’t enlarge that image to actually, you know, get a look at the guy you’re supposed to be on the look out for. Good job, guys.

3 Responses to “Way to be helpful”

  1. Andy Says:

    And newspapers wonder why they’re in trouble. They’re run by a bunch of old news men who don’t get the internet. They view it as something like CB radio, a fad that will die out in time.

    My local newspaper cut local coverage to add more wire stories as filler. They don’t get that the only reason people buy a local paper is for local news, not 24 hour old AP stories.

  2. blounttruth Says:

    It’s like everything else, owned by the local elitists and politicians. or at the very least beholden to them. The only alternative is too feel goody without much real news if you have caught that gem yet. If newspapers would pay real journalists to get “inside” the stories and expose the fraud and corruption at the local level then their ratings would soar, but in todays environment of “Everything is dandy citizen, now move along”, people have truly lost interest and apathy has allowed the insiders to run amok.

  3. mikee Says:

    In Firefox, I opened the picture link in a new tab to enlarge it. And what I got was a grainy enlarged image of minimal use to identify the bank robber.

    He appears to have a tight crew cut, a big nose, and tattoos on the back of his right hand and forearm.

    I wish I had the CSI computer program that allows infinite enhancement of grainy photos and videos. Can anyone suggest a link to download that for free?

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