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Appendix Carry

A defense of and the usefulness of.

7 Responses to “Appendix Carry”

  1. Miguel Says:

    Of Course, if you have a ND while drawing, you will be yelling MAZEL TOV!

  2. Yu-Ain Gonnano Says:

    Not sure if this counts as a defense, and I’m pretty sure it isn’t useful, but I still carry my appendix, though it’s more out of habit than conscious choice.

  3. P. Allen Says:

    6 months ago I switched over to appendix carry 100% of the time. Take extra care to make sure your finger stays off the trigger when drawing and take your time to make sure the trigger area stays clear when you are reholstering and you’ll be fine. In my opinion, paying attention to how you reholster is the most critical part of being safe with appendix carry. If you carry a hammer fired gun (Sig, HK) get in the habit of putting your thumb over the hammer to stop any rearward travel as you reholster. If you carry a Glock or M&P just be extra careful and take your time reholstering. If you are a Glock guy I would also consider buying the Todd Green designed “Gadget” for your pistol as soon as it comes out.

  4. SPQR Says:

    A couple of decades ago, I saw a guy practicing draws from a poor holster design in that exact position shoot off a portion of his anatomy. His nickname thereafter was “One Nut Kirby”. Now, granted that holster failed to completely cover the trigger guard, but yet I thought the lesson quite explicit.

  5. Rev. Paul Says:

    Funny thing, this article. It says the ‘appendix’ carry is faster because you don’t have to reach around to the side to draw.

    Apparently unlike the author, my arms are attached at the sides. It’s the FRONT that requires a reach.

  6. Adam Says:

    ^ LOL @ Paul. True story.

  7. Tam Says:

    Rev. Paul,

    Yes, your arms are on the sides.

    But your elbows bend forward and your hands hang lower than your waist, so you have to swing your upper arm to the rear in order to bend your elbow enough to get your hand to the 3-4 o’clock position on your waist. Further, you don’t shoot your gun out to the side, so you then have to bring the pistol to the centerline of your body.

    AIWB is much faster, trust.

    I just wish I could find a way to do it comfortably. ‘Til then, I’m carrying at 3:30 like I always have…

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