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Concealed Carry Clothes on Colbert

Funny. And I recognize that crotch.

14 Responses to “Concealed Carry Clothes on Colbert”

  1. AllenF Says:

    I am equal parts impressed and worried for you.

  2. Cargosquid Says:

    But….what about those people that don’t wear pants?

  3. comatus Says:

    The longer I have to share the planet with this asshole, the more I miss Pat Paulsen. He had the same schtick in 1967.

    Psst. He’s making fun of you.

  4. Chris P Says:

    I never want to hear “duct tape” and “taint” in the same sentence again.

  5. nk Says:

    Good. He has a certain audience, that he needs to entertain, but the message is solid. You don’t know who can kill you if you mess with them. It’s not just dark-skinned teenagers in saggy pants and loose t-shirts.

  6. Kristopher Says:

    nk: He thinks this message is a joke.

    He’s just another leftard, and not a particularly humorous one.

  7. Jerry Says:

    I’ll bet duct tape does weird things to ones taint. That could explain the look in his eyes.

  8. Ron W Says:

    “You don’t know who can kill you if you mess with them.” –nk

    Well, if “you mess with them” in a criminal way that threatens them with serious bodily injury or death, then if they can kill you, that’s good because:

    “An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.”–Robert A. Heinlein

  9. Old NFO Says:

    He’s a left wing loonie… and yeah he’s catering to his audience!

  10. nk Says:

    The relative strengths or weaknesses of the messenger are not necessarily a judgment on the merits of the message.

  11. Brad Says:

    Colbert’s recurring gun schtick. Ah, the most virulent anti-gun bigotry dressed up as comedy. Now that’s entertainment. Or maybe not.

  12. JMaverick Says:

    I just don’t get it, he really isn’t funny at all.

  13. Nat Turner Says:

    Why do you think people are using their rights to protest?

  14. Ted N Says:

    Harumph. Video wouldn’t load worth a damn. Looks like I’ll have to miss out. Dang.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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