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Victims of communism day

Remembering the millions who were killed by their governments for a lie.

4 Responses to “Victims of communism day”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    True Story Time. Summer of 1974, My Family and I went to Hungary to visit Relatives. No “Package Tour,” no “Cultural Exchange,” just plain old visiting for a month. I got to see First Hand how ordinary people lived and worked behind the Iron Curtain.

    Two years later, I spent my 18th Birthday in Navy Boot Camp, starting my Service. But MY work would entail me sitting out in the Ocean on FBM Submarines, waiting to Nuke any Communist Country that tried to Nuke the United States. I was asked by some Security Guy that, if Push Came to Shove, could I help Launch Nuclear Missiles into a Country where I knew my relatives had a Damn Good Chance of being Killed. I said “Yes.”

    Today, if I had to do it all over, my answer is still Yes.

    May Karl Marx Burn in Hell.

  2. nk Says:

    Stole it from you, Unc, posted it in Greek. 😉

  3. HL Says:

    I often refer to the estimated millions that have been killed in the name of Communism as a rebuke to the tired “more people killed in God’s name” nonsense.

    I doubt the number killed in “God’s” name even quarters the number killed for Government.

    Whether you believe in God or not, we all have a religion. For some it is Government.

  4. Cargosquid Says:

    Of course, today is also Loyalty Day.

    Celebrate the Freedoms.
    Tell a communist to f#ck off and die.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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