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Effective campaigning

Romney gives a speech from an empty factory to mock Obama

6 Responses to “Effective campaigning”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    Not *that* effective.

    The setting, however, sent a mixed if not misleading message: The National Gypsum Co.’s warehouse closed not on Mr. Obama’s watch but during the presidency of George W. Bush, in June 2008, during the depths of the recession.

    Granted, that’s a misleading statement as well. 2008 was not the depths of the recession. It was barely the edge of the pool.

  2. ExurbanKevin Says:

    Romney’s gonna have a lot of venues for that speech.

  3. HL Says:

    The add a few days ago about “Obama’s Excuses” was prety brutal.

  4. HL Says:

    excuse me, “ad”.

  5. Guav Says:

    Romney claimed that “had the president’s economic plans worked, [the factory] would be open right now.”

    Really? How so?

  6. HL Says:

    Lol, I agree Guav, I think that the President’s economic plan is working just as he intended.

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