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Hit piece

Apparently, NBC did a hit piece on Remington firearms. Like most Americans, I wouldn’t know since I don’t watch NBC news. The incidents listed look to be more attributable to poor firearm handling than any defect with Remington. Jim Shepherd explains.

The NSSF has more.

11 Responses to “Hit piece”

  1. Drake Says:

    I have a reputation as being slow to anger and am generally one of the nicest and most level headed person that has ever lived. NBC can blow goats in hell. Speak no ill of my beloved Remington’s you deadwood cocksuckers.

  2. SGB Says:


  3. John Richardson Says:

    I spoke with Jim yesterday in the press room at the NRA Annual Meeting. He says NBC has their panties in a wad over his criticism of them and their methods since it came from someone who had been in the news industry at one time.

    NBC is very thin-skinned when it comes to criticism of themselves but has no trouble criticizing others.

  4. IllTemperedCur Says:

    How many years has it been that NBC and their MFM co-conspirators have been pushing tha Remington trigger lie? 6-7 years?

  5. mikee Says:

    Will Rem end up with Ruger-like warnings all over their firearms?

  6. comatus Says:

    Retribution, for threatening to leave Ilion over the micro-stamping issue, which I guess they won, right?

    There are no final victories over the Left. They always come back with one more thing. Bite your legs off.

  7. karrde Says:

    Wait a minute, I thought Remington didn’t make pickup trucks with side-saddle gas-tanks.

    Or is this a different NBC hit piece?

  8. HL Says:

    I have a reputation as being slow to anger and am generally one of the nicest and most level headed person that has ever lived.

    Yet you were the keynote speaker at last year’s Conference on Prickery!

  9. Rob Crawford Says:

    “He says NBC has their panties in a wad over his criticism of them and their methods since it came from someone who had been in the news industry at one time.”

    When was the last time anyone in the press actually criticized anyone in the press? They’re not used to it, and consider it “treason”.

  10. Mad Saint Jack Says:

    There was an NBC crew filming an interview with kel-tec, asking about the PF-9 aka Zimmerman’s gun.

    They also talked to Oleg.

    We’ll see how they edit it.

  11. Dave Koenig Says:

    I own a Remington 700 in 30-06. I have experienced the
    Malfunction. when the safety is engaged when the gun is gun is ready to fire, it can discharge. This happened to bot me and my son. Google it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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