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Templar Fast Rail

A video on how it works.

5 Responses to “Templar Fast Rail”

  1. Kay.Ess. Says:

    That’s pretty cool, but I wonder why one wouldn’t just have an entire upper dedicated to a specific caliber. Seems like it would be much faster to change an upper than a barrel and BCG. Given my limited knowledge/experience, I’m sure there’s something I’m missing. Cost difference maybe?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Save money on rail accessories like optics and bipods and such?

  3. Sean D Sorrentino Says:

    Thanks for the link.

    Kay.Ess.:My plan is to eventually have two rifles from Templar, both using his rails. I want a short range rifle and a long range rifle. The short range rifle, which I’m building now, will have an EoTech, and will have barrels for .223, .300 Blackout (for hunting) and .50 Beowulf (because I can!). The long range rifle will have a scope, and have barrels for .223 and 6.5 Grendel.

    Optics are really expensive. A good scope can cost as much as the rest of the rifle. An EoTech will run me almost $500. Plus the fact that I can dismount the barrel for cleaning without wrecking the zero is worth a whole lot.

  4. Bob Owens Says:


    I’ve actually got the Templar rifle Sean wants (neener! neener! neener!), in 223 Wylde and 6.5 Grendel, with a 300 BLK barrel being cut and the 50 Beowulf and other fun calibers-to-be-named-later in the future.

    I only have to get one rifle, and if I want to change calibers, I just buy additional barrels (and bolts,if applicable) for far less than I’d spend on a complete upper, and it takes up less room in the gun safe.

  5. Brad Says:


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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