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Mitt Romney: Gun owner

And he’ll speak at the NRA convention. Says Romney: “we have all the laws we need”.

What about Massachusetts? Do they have too many? And how many did you sign into law?

27 Responses to “Mitt Romney: Gun owner”

  1. wizardpc Says:

    That’s my problem with Romney.

    Come November, my choice for President will be between 1)a guy who everyone tells me wants to ban guns given the opportunity and 2)a guy who actually has done it.

    Some days I entertain the thought of voting for Obama and just letting it all burn. CBO says the economy is going to implode in 15 years no matter what.

  2. Jay G. Says:

    He’s going to speak at the NRA Convention? Ooh, I may have to attend this one…

  3. Tam Says:

    It looks like after this election we’re going to be stuck with a president clueless about gun issues on anything deeper than a soundbite level and who has a vague antipathy towards the RKBA, or Barack Obama.

  4. ExurbanKevin Says:

    The 2nd Amendment vote was tepid, at best, for McCain four years ago.

    Then he picked Sarah Palin as a running mate, and I saw comments like “I’m voting for her and her running mate” pop up all over the gunblogs and forums.

    Romney needs to do something very similar. Allen West pops to mind.

    And the fact of the matter is, for a politician in the Northeast, Romney was quite good on guns.

    Which, I realize, is kinda like being the best ice hockey player in Guatemala, but still…

  5. John Smith. Says:

    Didn’t Romney become and NRA member and lifetime member on the same day just a few years back???

  6. Weer'd Beard Says:

    John Smith, yeah and I don’t even think he paid his own way, he received a gift membership.

    Fuck him, and anybody who looks like him!

  7. mikee Says:

    Vote for any syphilitic camel instead of President Obama, if that is the choice.

    Enthusiasm need not be there. Just go pull the lever to get our current president out of office.

    Don’t any of you remember Jimmy Carter? He ran for a second term against a B-movie actor who was both senile and stupid. Yet that worked out better than a 2nd Carter term, in my opinion.

    Let’s give Jimmy Carter something to be happy about: being only the 2nd worst one term president of his party in the last 50 years.

  8. mostly cajun Says:

    “we have all the laws we need”.

    No, jerkwad, we have laws we DON’T need at all.


  9. Andy Says:

    I think you need to head on over to one of you buddy’s blogs and read what his wife wrote about Romney – from the perspective of a Mass gun owner.

    I goofed on the last comment

  10. ExurbanKevin Says:

    I didn’t move down here to live in an ideal country.

    I emigrated here to live in a better one.

    Is Mitt my first choice? No. Will he be a better choice than an Obama Presidency that’s unfettered by the need to get re-elected?

    Oh. Hell. Yeah.

  11. Rustmeister Says:

    To play devils advocate, coult it be that Romney enacted the laws his citizens wanted?

  12. sashok.privetov Says:

    “Vote for any syphilitic camel instead of President Obama, if that is the choice.”

    Well, there you have him.

  13. Frank W. James Says:

    mikee @ 12:14PM; Yeah, Reagan worked out REAL WELL if you want to own a reasonable priced registered machine gun.

    All the fanboy stuff aside, the thing to remember is Reagan OUTLAWED the possession of new machineguns and Carter Didn’t! But, a lot of collectors don’t want to talk about that because the law made them rich.

    Yeah, those Republicans they really are REAL PRO-GUN! You can always count a sense of greed to win out in the end and for the main culprits to point the finger at someone else…

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  14. Ellen Says:

    Wizardpc — Obama didn’t outlaw guns simply because, in Chicago, they were already outlawed. Why waste the time?

  15. Jake Says:

    As I said at Robb’s:


    Or… um, something.

    Oh, and don’t forget that [$ANTI-OBAMA_YOU_MUST_VOTE_FOR_ROMNEY_PANIC]!!

  16. Sigivald Says:

    Cajun said: “we have all the laws we need”.

    No, jerkwad, we have laws we DON’T need at all.

    “We have all the laws we need” does not mean “we need all the laws we have”.

    What the man said is true, in that every law we need related to guns, we already have; no more are needed.

    He didn’t say that every law we have is needful, so there’s no need to insult him over the idea that he did.

    (It might be needful or useful to insult him for something else he’s actually said or done, yes – but not for that.)

    (And on the general case and mentions above… did Jimmy Carter get a bill presented to him that would have banned machine guns, and refuse to sign it?

    And could/should Reagan have vetoed the FOPA and Hughes Amendment combination – politically or practically?

    Note that the Hughes Amendment was an attempted poison-pill on an otherwise excellent law, which in total passed the Senate 79-15, more than enough to override a veto – likewise in the House it passed 292-130.

    Would you actually prefer the alternate world in which Reagan vetoed the FOPA with the Hughes Amendment, and we never got the FOPA passed?

    Because that’s about as likely as getting it without the Hughes Amendment the second time.

    In the real world of politics and dealing with a consistent opposition, compromise is often necessary to get any progress at all – total absolutism is a recipe for failure, not glory.)

  17. Bruce MacMahon Says:

    Don’t get me started.

  18. Maxpwr Says:

    If Obama wins then Heller gets overturned at the next opportunity. All that blood, sweat, and money wasted building our pro-gun majority over the last 10 years. At least with a Romney appointment to SCOTUS we can hope he’s pro-gun. That’s the best we can do. The US political system is a hideous bitch goddess. Embrace the suck.

  19. nk Says:

    What Mxpwr said.

  20. Frank W. James Says:

    Sigivald: Fly through NYC, Boston or Newark and have to claim your luggage overnight because of a flight delay and see where the FOPA gets you the next morning when you try to check that gun for your flight OUT?

    Gun owners got sold down the river, but because it was a Republican, and Reagan at that, everyone likes to drink the Kool-Aid.

    We lost machine guns and got NUTHIN’ in return, but Hey he was a Republican so it’s all good, isn’t it?…

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  21. Jeffersonian Says:

    ExurbanKevin Says:
    April 10th, 2012 at 11:50 am

    “Romney needs to do something very similar. Allen West pops to mind.”

    Um, the same Allen West who voted to renew the PATRIOT Act and for NDAA with indefinite military detention of American citizens?


  22. Chas Says:

    Ritt Momney, what?

  23. Countertop Says:

    I didn’t realize Bitter and Sebastian got married.

  24. David Says:

    It’s pretty easy to criticize someone that’s making an effort to appeal to the majority of the country. Sure, it would be awesome if the leader of our country wanted to make everything how we personally want it. Unfortunately, someone will always be unhappy. You have to have some compromise. I agree that it would be nice for there to be less silly bureaucracy when it comes to firearm regulation. The thing is, some of you guys seem to want to rally behind someone with just gun rights at the forefront of their campaign. That guy can’t win and has already dropped out.(Santorum)
    If you hate Romney that much, vote for Obama. That IS your only other option. Or vote for Romney because he is a good all-around option and you prefer him over Obama. Does he open carry on the campaign and always mention less government? No. He is trying to get elected and has to appeal to more than the Tea Party Movement to make that happen.

  25. Ted N Says:

    Fuck it, I’m still voting for MadMike.

  26. Brad Says:

    Oh god, it’s finally down to a choice between the Massachusetts Moderate vs the Chicago Socialist. Ugh and double-ugh.

    However, a President may only last as little as one term, whereas Supreme Court justices last decades. Right now the balance of power on the Supreme Court is only 5 to 4 in favor of gun rights, proven by the Heller and McDonald cases. The Second Amendment currently survives by a margin of just one Supreme Court Justice! Don’t give the Chicago Socialist a chance to pack the Supreme Court. You will regret it if you let Obama do it.

  27. FatWhiteMan Says:

    “Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts,” Romney said, at a bill signing ceremony on July 1 with legislators, sportsmen’s groups and gun safety advocates. “These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people.” -Mitt Romney, 2004

    I’m not saying he is not a better choice than Obama and in November I’ll sure hold my nose and vote for him, but for those that are trying to spin him as pro-gun, give it up.

    This is one election that I will not be a single issue voter on. If I did, I would have to go with the Chicago Socialist that has the better pro-gun record than the Massachusetts Flopster.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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