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Over a toy

Sixth grader charged with taking a toy gun to school. And this: Vuyancih removed and secured the plastic gun and escorted the child to the office.

It’s a toy, why would you need to secure it?

15 Responses to “Over a toy”

  1. DirtCrashr Says:

    Bad enough that they throw it into a drawer with all the other toys you’ll never see again – or training for when they’re cops and confiscate everything in sight?

  2. nk Says:

    There’s layers and layers. School district, school board, principal, teacher.

    Been there, done that. In first grade, my daughter wanted to bring her light saber for show and tell. We walked it in, the teacher was fine with it. In second grade, she was into Percy Jackson, and we walked in Riptide, the same. The teacher thanked me for the courtesy of asking her permission.

  3. Alan Says:

    I can certainly understand confiscating a toy at school, but arresting him and sending him to juvie? That’s just nuts.

  4. nk Says:

    A school is like a bell. It’ up to you to ring it. And that’s life, too. Only the dead have no problems to face. Man up and live with your fellow man and don’t whine.

  5. Ed Says:

    You must always secure a toy gun to ensure it isn’t loaded. Also, toy guns should not be left in a place where they can be accessed by children. Furthermore, imagine if the unsecured toy gun was stolen…dozens of games of Cowboys and Indians could be disrupted!

  6. Lyle Says:

    “It’s a toy, why would you need to secure it?”

    Social conditioning, or what I’ve referred to as “control via freak-out”. Socialism is ignorant and insane, and so we need as many ignorant, insane people as possible to make socialism acceptable. Enter public (i.e. coercively funded) education. It’s their job. Go ape shit over a toy gun, and as an authority over the kids, you’re teaching them to go ape shit as well. We need all the ape shit we can get if we’re going to, as Obama put it; “fundamentally transform America”.

    Decades ago, Ayn Rand described the Soviet Union as a “morbid absurdity”. This story is is merely a continuation of the same morbid absurdity, right here in America. Some Americans are only just beginning to understand what she meant. Others have no clue.

  7. BobG Says:

    Secured the gun? Maybe they slapped a trigger-lock on it. Wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt, after all…

  8. MJM Says:

    I want to play a video of Woody (the parent), shouting to Buzz Lightyear (the teacher): “IT IS A TOYYYYY!”

    Footnote: Yes, I changed the original quote, from “YOU ARE A TOYYYYY!” to “IT”…. However, I make no apology, and feel quite free to change quotes and videos any way I want, in keeping with modern journalist standards, which say: There is no truth; there is only the perception I want to create perception and what I can make people believe is the truth.

  9. one-eyed Jack Says:

    How in hell did the kid “induce panic”? Only sheeple panic. Jack.

  10. Montieth Says:

    Another question,

    Charged with inducing a panic. If there was a panic then it would have been described in the story no? Sounds like everyone was sitting having lunch save for the three students who went to tell a teacher.

  11. Ed Says:

    I just realized how utterly insensitive I was. I should have said, “dozens of games of cow-people and North American indigenous persons could be disrupted.” Please forgive my horrible lack of decorum.

  12. Chas Says:

    “It’s a toy, why would you need to secure it?”

    Markie Marxist sez: “It has to be secured before it can contaminate another child’s mind! We don’t need kids growing up to be NRA members! Those NRA guys are NOT good communists! We just haven’t been able to get them into the re-education camps yet, but we’re working on it.”

  13. Dustydog Says:

    Not so fast. Toy gun in waistband? Might be an obvious toy, might be a realistic toy. Not enough details (and can’t trust initial newspaper accounts anyhow).

    If the 6th grader was a gang-banger in training, refining his intimidation techniques with a realistic gun, then absolutely the gun should be secured first, and adults should figure out whether it is a real gun or not later. If he was trying to scare kids by tricking them into thinking he had a real gun, he should go to jail just as if he had a real gun.

    Can you tell whether a gun is airsoft or real, just by looking at it sticking out of a waistband? Don’t assume adults are dumb socialists without evidence.

  14. AK™ Says:

    Standard #2 pencil isn’t “deadly”..but I could murder you with it.

    Enough people killed by pencils and the government would require a license to own one,pass a background check,and the democrats would push for a limit of a maximum of 3 per househould. Sharpeners would be serial numbered and have to be registered.

    They couldn’t possess a black semi-auto mechanical pencil with replaceable “lead”.

    There are doors that are heavy and steel,I put your head on the floor and repeatedly slam the door with your head in the way,it could eventually kill you.

    The janitor’s closet has chemicals,that if ingested in sufficient amounts,could kill you. I don’t see those getting registered or locked up.

    /end sarcasm

    It’s not the firearm that kills people,it’s merely a tool. The will of the person/s to commit the act/s is what is more deadly.

    The kid is young. cut him a break. Maybe a day or 2 in-school detention.

    They didn’t have to turn it into a circus with clearing out the cafeteria. Smarter option would have been to just ask the kid to come to the principal’s office.

  15. comatus Says:

    I just heard a good one. Woman is applying to join our gun club. She lives in a tough neighborhood, daughter goes to the Cathedral school, in an even tougher one.

    Mom says the daughter has learned so much in our youth rifle class. Hearing gunfire outside, a classmate said, “Next time they shoot, I’m gonna shoot back.” Daughter says “Not me. I don’t have my hearing protection on.”

    Kids grow up so fast now. Straight to Col Cooper, with no stop in-between for Eddie Eagle.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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