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The narrative

Three things people don’t know about the Trayvon Martin case (but think they do)

11 Responses to “The narrative”

  1. nk Says:

    One correction to that post (my inner lawyer) but I agree with all the rest of it:

    If you throw the first punch, and the other person is better than you at defending himself, with bare hands, you can escalate by shooting him but be prepared to go to prison for life for murder.

  2. Jeff Says:

    There are so many other things about this case that people don’t( refuse) to believe.

  3. nk Says:

    Punks will check you out, to see how much of a victim you can be.

    Martin went up to Zimmerman and said, “You got a problem”? Zimmerman had a gun but pussied out. He said, “No”. Then Martin knew he was dealing with a mall ninja and got all over Zimmerman’s ass.

    If I were there, with a gun, I would have had it in my hand, and I would have said, “Who gave you permission to talk to me, boy”?

  4. nk Says:

    I would say the same thing if I only had a knife, or just my cane, or just my bare hands. Never show fear to punks. That’s what they want.

  5. John Smith. Says:

    A mights and ifs article… How enlightening..

  6. nk Says:

    I hear that Martin’s parents hired a PR firm to spread their narrative. But always trust content on the internet.

  7. junyo Says:

    Clearly Martin threw the first punch, the guy who shot him says so, and he’d have zero reason to lie. The way I hear it, Martin actually attacked Zimmerman in Zimmerman’s living room while drinking a 40 and flashing gang signs. Clearly he needed to die.

    If I were there, with a gun, I would have had it in my hand, and I would have said, “Who gave you permission to talk to me, boy”? Of course the truly fucked up thing about that is, that would have been safer for everyone concerned. But since it would have denied the gun world the chance to prove how tough they are on punks with skittles, the bad tactics used and the consequences thereof, have consistently been ignored.

  8. junyo Says:

    Also, I love how conservatives/libertarians have officially gone past the ‘wait for the facts to come out’ pretense and are now openly cheering the death of someone the proof of who’s evil intent rests on the basis of the word of the guy that killed him.

  9. SayUncle Says:

    No, at the start we were calling it death by mall ninja. But, due to sloppy reporting, that’s looking less and less likely. I’m still holding out.

  10. HL Says:

    The Conservatives/Liberals I know are not taking sides at all or rushing to judgement. In fact we are providing counter arguments to the liberals who have convicted Zimmerman already.

    I have maintained that from what I have seen, neither guy can be blamed for what they did. I am sure many disagree, but the rush to judgement is coming from the likes of NBC news and Bull Horn types.

    One thing that is beyond dispute is that Trayvon was not shot in the back.

  11. HL Says:

    Correction, Conservatives/Libertarians…

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