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Shotgun wars

Mossy v. Remmy

9 Responses to “Shotgun wars”

  1. Nolan Says:

    Is this a ford or chevy thing?

  2. SGB Says:

    Easy choice-Benelli.

  3. Sebastian not the blogger Says:

    I like Benellis.

    I could sell my AR lower I’m thinking about selling and both my Mossbergs and almost be able to afford one.

  4. SGB Says:

    Benelli’s are expensive but since we live in a pretend world on the internets you can buy two for a $1.50.

  5. Phenicks Says:

    Benelli Nova is within $30 of an 870 or 500. Unless your looking at the Supernova or Browning?

  6. Adam Says:

    ^ True, but the Nova pump only has a 4+1 magazine capacity, whereas the Remington 870 HD has a 7+1 magazine capacity. More bang for your buck, if you will.

  7. Sebastian not the blogger Says:

    Nova pumps are about $200 more at retail than the Mossberg. Like I said, I like ’em…but pretending they’re not Ferrari shotguns I can’t get behind.

  8. HL Says:

    Nice flinch at 2:02…I’m glad I am not the only one.

  9. Mike V. Says:

    There’s not really an argument. 870 all the way. Ever try to take the bolt of a Mossy to clean it? Pack a lunch. You can have a Remmy totally apart, clean and back together in less time than it takes Domino’s to deliver.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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