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Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Chris Rock, who doesn’t think you should own guns, assaults conservative camera woman from safely behind his two bodyguards.

4 Responses to “Why are anti-gun activists so violent?”

  1. Justin Buist Says:

    Camerawoman, not cameraman.

  2. breda Says:

    And when is Mr. Rock going to be arrested?

  3. Lyle Says:

    I am very disappointed in Rock. After watching his “Recycle the Pussy” comedy bit (which was very good, I thought) and some episodes of “Everybody Hates Chris” I took him as advocating much more conservative principles. Now it seems he either never quite understood it, or something in him has changed for the worse.

    On the other hand, it was late, he was probably tired, and he was being followed around by media. It happens to celebs all the time and I can understand people getting pissed off about that once in a while. It would bug the snot out of me I can tell you. I’m going to withhold some of the judgment until I know what Rock has to say about it later. His quotes on the teaparty aren’t very smart or informed. That’s for sure.

  4. Acme_Rocket Says:

    Chris Rock’s position on gun control.

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