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The DC police lie about the gun laws. Also, if you are transporting your gun to the range there, you’re OK. If you stop to get gas, eat or use the bathroom, then you are breaking the law.

18 Responses to “In DC”

  1. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    This is the “heckler’s veto”.

    It is used by the police to enforce their subjective view of the law. Usually experienced by open carriers.

    D.C. will be an eternal spring of gun rights litigation for a long time.

  2. Bubblehead Les Says:

    So lets just say I get an invite to go to a Blogshoot in Tidewater, Virginia. I pack up for the weekend, and head down South from Ohio. I choose to drive the PA/MD/DC/VA route rather that cut over the Hills of West-By-GOD. While cruising down the Beltway, some Drunken AssHat hits me, and my car is on the Berm. DC Police show up, I tell them I have Guns, but they are properly stored for Transport vis-a-vis the Federal Law. They pull them out, and say “Are these Registered?” I say “No, Ohio does not have Registration.” I get Arrested for “Transporting Illegal/Unregistered Firearms,” and they Seize them. My question is this:

    Should I have gone to New York City instead? Because it sounds like MIckey Bloomberg is more tolerant of the RKBA than those MOTHERS in DC!

  3. falnfenix Says:

    Les – If you’re smart, you’d avoid driving through DC completely. πŸ˜‰

  4. PT Says:

    Michigan has nearly the same transport laws. To / from the range is a-ok. Stop to get gas = felony.

  5. John A Says:

    “If you stop to get gas, eat or use the bathroom, then you are breaking the law.” According to some police and the police handout to registrants, but as she found – not according to the actual law. In fact, the law does NOT state you can only transport firearms for purposes related to their use either. Nor do you have to say that you are transporting unless asked that specific question, and perhaps not then.

    Alas, all this misinfomation is also what the officers in the field are being told by the police administrators, which will cause trouble.

  6. Mike M. Says:

    End the charade, end the lawlessness – and end DC Home Rule.

  7. Mike M. Says:

    Oh, Les…the good news is that if you aren’t going into DC itself, you can drive around it on the Interstates.

  8. comatus Says:

    Nearly two decades ago I swore that I would next enter that city at the head of an armored column. Barring an odd venue for the MVPA convention, their local decrees cannot touch me unless they become contagious.

  9. markofafreeman Says:

    As Mike M. says, if you look at a map you can see that the beltway goes around DC and not through it. Going North, you’re in VA until you hit MD. Just don’t mistakenly take I395 off of I95 instead of I495 (if going up the west half of the loop). Ask me how I know. πŸ˜‰

    NJ and NYC are just as bad. Well, at least NJ. There was Brian Aiken, and before that some air traveler was caught up in the NJ statist net, and then recently, I think, there was another case of a someone doing exactly as described here and following the federal statute to the letter, yet got arrested, tried, and convicted. For doing something entirely legal, notwithstanding NJ’s draconian laws.

    We need at least a couple of Emily Miller clones. One in NJ and one in NYC, to expose these criminal government employees. Seems every time she writes an article, the DC politicos are anxious to do what they can to keep her quiet (though I’m sure they are doing the minimum required). Now we can only hope that Mr. Mendelson has a little chat with Chief Lanier about how DC officers are instructed regarding citizen gun ownership. Keep at ’em Emily!

  10. Standard Mischief Says:

    >While cruising down the Beltway, some Drunken AssHat hits me, and my car is on the Berm. DC Police show up


    There’s really no berm on the beltway in DC. The only part of the I-95 I-495 beltway that is in DC is a small sliver on the Woodrow Wilson Bridge

    Federal law should preempt, (if you’ve unloaded and locked everything in the trunk), but just assume DC will arrest you anyway and confiscate your personal property which you will have to sue to get back.

    BTW, Maryland has unconstitutional firearms transport laws too.

  11. mike w. Says:

    My solution is to flat out avoid driving through DC at all costs.

    I’m only a few minutes away from NJ where I live. I never cross over into that godforsaken hellhole either.

  12. Jeff Says:

    Not to deny my City is FUBAR, but to state the DC Police are lying is misleading. He isn’t lying, he is ignorant of the law. You would think that being in firearms registration he would have the correct information…but that’s a comlpetely different issue. Intentional deception and ignorance are two different things. Also, past articles from Ms. Miller have already proven that Officer Harper doesn’t know what he is talking about…stop going to the dude for information and then complaining it’s wrong!

    If the goal of the article is to get that dude out of the Registration Office, then it’s a good article. If it isn’t, then your intentionally pissing in the wind to complain about the piss flying back on you. And on that note, getting rid of that guy wont put someone knowledgeable in his position. That is also a completely different issue.

  13. Jeff Says:

    @Mike M.-Ending home rule might be coming sooner than you think, especially with a nice fat indictment looming over the Mayor and most of City Council. We can only hope.

  14. Jake Says:

    He isn’t lying, he is ignorant of the law.

    It’s his job to know the law, and those laws in particular. His ignorance (if it really is ignorance) can therefore only be deliberate.

    Even if it’s not deliberate ignorance, he is lying by pretending he knows the law when he actually doesn’t, and he’s doing so in a way that appears calculated to deliberately discourage lawful gun ownership.

    Either way, he’s being intentionally dishonest.

  15. Bryan S. Says:

    Wow… reading that is so surreal. You know, while living in a mostly free state.

  16. John Smith. Says:

    Never trust anyone who is legally empowered to lie then swears to tell the truth about it later…..

  17. Old NFO Says:

    DC is CONTINUING to play games… I don’t drive through the District if I have guns in the car period… And it costs me an hour extra if I’m going North!

  18. Suki Says:

    Can’t she carry concealed in VA with an out-of-State permit, or does DC think it can trump the laws of the Commonwealth?

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