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Today’s awesome pun

The tragedy of comments. Yes, a community regulated comment system. What could possibly go wrong?

5 Responses to “Today’s awesome pun”

  1. D2k Says:

    Slashdot did a really excellent job with their community comment moderation system.
    In my opinion you can’t get much better than that with a community moderated system, of course it still suffers from a number of problems, but you can only do so much when the average number of comments on a story is in the hundreds and can sometimes reach 1000 or more.

  2. markofafreeman Says:

    There’s a lot of parallels to this in .gov. Taken to it’s logical end, it becomes the Gestapo’s “denunciation” tactic. Don’t like your neighbor? Write a damning letter and they “disappear”.

    Yeah, we’re not talking about government, here, but JNap’s “if you see something, say something” is dangerously close to that. Especially when you see the absurdly benign video at (first video).

    No matter, though. .gov already jump the shark long ago. At least the .net can’t disappear you.

  3. junyo Says:

    I thought they rolled this out on Gizmodo a couple of years ago, and it was kind of a disaster?

  4. Divemedic Says:

    Isn’t that the system that killed I know that I stopped commenting there after this system went into effect.

  5. Jerry Says:

    I hope it wasn’t something I said.

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