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Quote of the day

I wondered the same thing:

Is Jessie’s Taurus going to be a Taurus the same way Kyle’s Camry is a Camry?

Does Taurus have a competition model?

2 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. ExurbanKevin Says:

    In Open and L10, probably not, but then again, I can’t get carbon brakes or in-car telemetry from Honda’s F1 cars in my Civic.

    It would behoove Taurus to come out with “Competition” versions of their full-size 9mm’s and 1911 before next year’s SHOT in order to capitalize on signing Jessie.

  2. larry weeks Says:

    It would have to be a 1911 just like all the other 1911s except for the logo on it and no one would ever do that in the gun world. Oh, wait…never mind.

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