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NPR on the AK12

Will it be as popular as the AK47?

5 Responses to “NPR on the AK12”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Well, I’m waiting on the Consumer Testing from Mexico that the BATFE is conducting. If the Sinaloas give it 2 Thumbs up…..

  2. DirtCrashr Says:

    Even if it’s more popular, NPR can still use the old AK47 as a Lefty recognition-symbol on their Power-to-the-Peeps banners during protest marches and candlelight vigils.

  3. mikee Says:

    Well, the numberical designationer is only 12, not the much larger numberical designationer 47.

    Therefore I expect it will be only about 1/4 as popular.

  4. Jerry Says:

    It would make it a hell of a lot easier than trying to fit the “accessories” on a real one. I’m not a ‘jewelry’ ‘kinda guy. Bells and whistles cause more problems than they fix, soooo, I’ll take the AR-10 with a gas piston for 500, Alex. Stop betting on what the booo-let will do, and poke a bigger hole. That is the only advantage I can SEE for AK over AR. Meat and potatoes, the rest is just gravy.

  5. Divemedic Says:

    Layers of editorial oversight: The hope it will “booster” sales.

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