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It’s right there next to the ‘no drugs’ and ‘no killing border agents’ sign

A useless gesture: Last week, Mexican President Felipe Calderon unveiled a “billboard” near the U.S. border made of crushed firearms formed into the words, “No More Weapons!”

Yeah, that should do the trick.

6 Responses to “It’s right there next to the ‘no drugs’ and ‘no killing border agents’ sign”

  1. anon Says:

    Is it facing the local ATF office?

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    What makes it really rich is that this sign that points at US Soil is likely made from South American and Chinese weapons, as the Mexican Military arms (which with their deserter rate is probably the bulk of the confiscations) are likely re-arsenaled and returned to military service…I mean why would they destroy their own stolen guns?

    The US guns (and by the numbers most are Fast and Furious guns) are returned to the BATFE so they can trace them back to a US dealer, and pretend they have NOTHING to do with that.

    That leaves the guns coming up from South America and from across the Pacific from places like China.

    So the sign is pointed at the United States, and the guns are from anywhere but.

    Classy, huh?

    When can we just declare the whole place “South Texas” and set up retirement condos and luxury Resorts on that prime land as US Soil?

  3. mikee Says:

    If they did not keep a list of the firearms used to make the sign and a list of their serial numbers, it would be an interesting exercise to document as much of that info as possible.

    If the list was not made, why not, and how was it guaranteed by the Mexican government that the artist kept no weapons for his own use or to resell to others?

    Little questions like that always crop up in connection with corrupt governments, again and again.

  4. marco Says:

    why does mexico doesn’t have any black mexican. all the illegal inmigrant from mexico none are black.
    maybe if they show some black maybe their futbol el tri might win some games. I mean never seen any black on their favorite tv soap opera novelas just bunch of blond blue eye colombia, venenzuela argentina and even few russian.
    mexico just need to change its antique law about guns and arm it’s people. their just like the jews and are being lew to slaughter. mexicans need a new revolutions n get rid of rich millionare without impunity politician while half of mexico starves to death.
    isn’t that sign almost the same say no to drugs.
    mexican presidente just laughing is ass up.

  5. Lyle Says:

    Felipe Calderon– what a stupid son of a bitch. I’d be in favor of Texas annexing Mexico, once and for all, and cleaning out all the corrupt fucks like Felipe Calderon. They all want to be Americans anyway, right? It would only take, what, one Texas Ranger– There ain’t but one country to set right.

  6. Rob Says:

    Leaving aside the simple fact that most of the guns in Mexico do not come from the United States illegally (I’d say most of them from the US that are there are from arms sales to the Mexican Government), Mexico has been completely and utterly unwilling to help us secure the border, because an unsecure border means they can offload their poor onto us*. If they helped us actually secure the border, this wouldn’t be a problem for them.

    *which I really wouldn’t give a shit about, normally. But so long as the US continues to operate as a welfare state, any influx of large numbers of poor people seeking public assistance will eventually bankrupt us. Get rid of the welfare state, and poor immigrants become an asset instead of a problem, as only the productive ones will stick around.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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