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Colonoscopy wrap up

Got home yesterday. Proceeded to eat every thing in sight. All is good in my nethers and I feel fine other than a bit of nausea. Worst part of the whole ordeal is drinking the second batch of Suprep. The first wasn’t so bad since I didn’t know what to expect. I just chugged all 16 ounces easy. The second one was harder since I knew exactly how bad it tasted. I couldn’t just chug it and it took four attempts. That stuff is pretty amazing. Started working in less than ten minutes. The second worst part was a few hours after the second dose when I actually started feeling like I could eat. I was starving and couldn’t eat. The bathroom trips were only mildly uncomfortable. The procedure was nothing. Run an IV, dope you up and it’s lights out. Wake up later feeling fine and full of air. They pump air in your innards so they can look around. So your body is an orchestra for a few hours.

Oh and I’ve come up with a new law: The more embarrassing the prescription you drop off at the pharmacy, the hotter the pharmacy technician will be.

Oh like I had a shot.

6 Responses to “Colonoscopy wrap up”

  1. Jay G. Says:

    Glad to hear everything is fine.

    I’ll pass on the orchestra, tho’…

  2. ZCORR Says:

    Glad to hear everything turned out well!

  3. Mike Says:

    Alternatively, the more embarrassing the prescription you drop off, the louder your pharmacy tech will repeat it for your friends and neighbors.

  4. comatus Says:

    Your basal metabolism will bear a lot of watching. As the probiotic yoghurt crowd will, no doubt, be reminding you, the romantically-named gut flora can be disrupted by such an insult. You might have to add an item or two to your double-dare list, just to get back to normal.

    Please do not ask how one comes by this information.

  5. rickn8or Says:

    Glad to hear the good news.

    “Oh like I had a shot.” You know you’re getting old when that thought crosses your mind more than once a day.

  6. Rivrdog Says:

    I’ve had a bout a half-dozen of those procedures, and am due for another one. I’ve never taken the “sedative”. The procedure itself produces no more than moderate cramping when the doc injects the air, and you get to toot it right out as soon as the doc is done and has pulled out the black mamba from your colon. Then you can drive yourself home.

    The procedure is harmless without the anesthesia, but with the dope there’s a minor risk. I won’t take that risk, since the worst discomfort doesn’t come up to the gas produced by a bad burrito…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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