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Romney in the house

This morning on the local vast right wing conspiracy radio affiliate I heard a couple of ads attacking Rick Santorum. Actually, it was the same ad twice. I guess it’s here.

6 Responses to “Romney in the house”

  1. HL Says:

    Yeah, I heard it too. It took me by surprise! I am not accustomed to primary election campaigning in Tennessee.

    We must be important now!

  2. ExurbanKevin Says:

    Meh. At least, Santorum and Romney know how to spell “Amendment”, which is more than I can say for Newt’s campaign…

  3. Bat Chain Puller Says:

    I’m for ABO, but Santorum is a sure loss in the general.
    He lost as an incumbent in bellweather PA by 16% which allowed Obamacare to pass. He wants into my womb and my bedroom and never saw a big spending program that wasn’t worth voting for. He is the worst of the worst that Republicans have to offer. The Dems will crucify him, non stop as a woman/gay hating rube, 24/7, 365 until their billion ad dollars run out. Republicans don’t deserve to win if they let this crank get any further

  4. Bat Chain Puller Says:

    Sorry all, I broke my rule about drinking ant posting

  5. Bat Chain Puller Says:

    Sorry all, I broke my rule about drinking and posting

  6. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    The rats in the LSM will crucify anyone daring to oppose the chosen one until the last vote is cast, and they’ll do it for free.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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