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Big brother is watching

And you’re not feeding your child they way your betters think you should:

A preschooler at West Hoke Elementary School ate three chicken nuggets for lunch Jan. 30 because a state employee told her the lunch her mother packed was not nutritious.

The girl’s turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips, and apple juice did not meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines, according to the interpretation of the agent who was inspecting all lunch boxes in her More at Four classroom that day.

You’re too stupid to take care of your own kids so the government will do it for you, peasant.

19 Responses to “Big brother is watching”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    So, turkey & cheese, fruit (both in juice and solid forms) and some potato chips are less healthy than 3 chunks of mechanically processed and fried chicken?

    The only thing that surprises me is that I’m surprised.

  2. Andrew S Says:

    The Division of Child Development…requires all lunches served in pre-kindergarten programs…to meet USDA guidelines. That means lunches must consist of one serving of meat, one serving of milk, one serving of grain, and two servings of fruit or vegetables, even if the lunches are brought from home.

    So: Turkey sammich, fruit, juice, chips doesn’t cut it. However, two slices of pepperoni pizza and a glass of milk would. I’m with you, can we put the adults in charge now?

  3. falnfenix Says:

    some schools are banning certain things in lunches…while other schools are even banning homemade lunches.

    at what point are kids going to be simply forcefed crap food because the government wants full control?

  4. Roadkill Says:

    So, are they taking away the lunches, throwing them out, etc? Gah, this makes me blood boil.

  5. John Smith. Says:

    The children’s daytime penitentiary requires that your children eat what the political officer requires for the good of the proletariat…

  6. Yiddishe Bloyger Says:

    Coming to a Socialist country near you:

    1. All public school students have to eat the school provided lunch

    2. All public school kids have to arrive early for the mandatory public school breakfast as well

    3. Home schooling is banned, because the govt can’t ensure “proper exercise and nutrition” for home schoolers.

    4. One child polkicy: since the government will be paying for your insurance, and kids raise the cost of insurance, the state will have a legal interest in limiting children. Of course they won’t really limit them; you’ll just get hit with a fee you can’t afford.

  7. Jake Says:

    These quotes pissed me off more.

    But parent Miguel Medina said he thinks the “no home lunch policy” is a good one. “The school food is very healthy,” he said, “and when they bring the food from home, there is no control over the food.” [emphasis mine]

    You’re the parent! You are the control over your kid’s food!

    “The kids may have money or earn money and (buy junk food) without their parents’ knowledge,” Stinson said, adding that most parents expect that the school will look out for their children. [emphasis mine]

    Government encouraged/forced abdication of parental responsibility.

    It’s not that the adults aren’t in charge, it’s that the ones in charge are power hungry wannabe-dictators.

  8. trackerk Says:

    Dozer: It’s a single cell protein combined with synthetic aminos, vitamins, and minerals. Everything the body needs.

  9. Smince Says:

    The children aren’t *forced* actually to eat *anything* by the schools (thankfully). The schools are simply required to make sure that the children have a lunch served to them that meets USDA guidelines. My wife works at an elementary and she said there are dozens of kids every day that get their free or reduced USDA tray, eat the sweets, and throw the rest away. Or they come in the morning and say they haven’t had breakfast, and are immediately sent to the cafeteria to have a taxpayer-funded one. The waste and lack of common sense is mind blowing, and I really feel for this parent.

  10. Gerry Says:

    When Michele Obama said it was important for kids to eat healthy I saw no reason to get my undies in a bind like half the nation.

    I see now I was wrong.


  11. falnfenix Says:

    Gerry – you mean the idea that pizza is now a vegetable didn’t have your undies in a bind already?

  12. JKB Says:

    No inalienable rights for you, you didn’t use the free contraception.

    For some reason, if you have a child, the State takes all your rights, such as feeding your child, not being subject to CPS search and inspection, possession of firearms, etc.

  13. rick Says:

    “You’re too stupid to take care of your own kids so the government will do it for you, peasant.”

    …and make you pay them for the beat down to boot.

  14. John A Says:

    Ask yje CDC anout the USDA diet.

    And just when did school food go from being a service to being mandatory? Oh yeah, when the Federals started paying the States. And the States forgot where the Fed gov gets the money in the first place.

  15. Gerry Says:


    I never considered that that there would be an governmental position created overnight called Pre-School Lunch Evaluator Level II at a G-12 Pay grade.

  16. Druid Says:

    “Guidelines” are merely recommendations, not law, nor even regulations.

  17. Lyle Says:

    They had best stay the hell away from my kids if they know what’s good for them. It’s bad enough having to correct the bullshit they try to put in their heads at the coercive schools.

    I’ve been saying for years that if things ever come to blows, it will be over the petty bullshit like this.

    And of course you all know that when government gets hold of “healthcare” this is the very sort of thing they’ll do. Times ten thousand.

  18. Mike LaForge Says:

    State is already backpedaling pretty fast from the view here in Fayetteville.

  19. Lesane Says:

    Druid, check out the article. See how many times you can count words like “must”, “required” etc. in regards to following the “guidelines”. Maybe you will see the issue.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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