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The press and the anti-gunners (but I repeat myself) are not fans.

4 Responses to “Reciprocity”

  1. Ted N Says:

    Yet another whiny loser wetting himself. He can go pound sand.

  2. martywd Says:

    “They are making it as easy to carry a gun concealed as it is to buy a cheese steak, and that is dangerous for everybody,”…

    I’ve seen this same quote in recent articles paraphrased in different ways, i.e. replace ‘cheese steak’ with some other easily obtainable commodity.   Now if I see it while reading, I stop reading.   The article writer is just wasting my time.

  3. StanInTexas Says:

    Here is the money quote from the article, said by Darrell Clark, president of the Philadelphia City Council.

    “We actually have documented cases where individuals have committed crimes, some very significant, and had a Florida permit. Had they gone through our guidelines they would not have been able to carry on gun on the streets of Philadelphia.”

    So if these people had been denied a carry permit in your state, they would not have commited a crime by carrying the gun ILLEGALLY, while they were committing other crimes?

    This is the level of STUPIDITY we in the gun community have to deal with DAILY… that laws stop crime. To quote a famous doctor, “How’s that working out for you????”

  4. SGB Says:

    The real crooks in Philadelphia are the politicians. The people need concealed carry there more than New York.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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