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So what caliber for python?

Invasive pythons killing off mammals in the Everglades.

15 Responses to “So what caliber for python?”

  1. Dwight Brown Says:

    Clearly, there’s only one gun for python.

  2. Old NFO Says:

    Anything larger that a .38 🙂 but ‘accuracy’ is at a premium!!! 🙂

  3. DaddyBear Says:

    .357, .358, whatever it takes.

  4. chris Says:

    Why the Taurus Judge, of course.

  5. comatus Says:

    If fashion designers would feature this skin for just one season, the problem would be over. PETA’s splodeyheads just a ssymbiotic sserendipitous coinsssidenssse.

    While you wait for that to happen, I also have a plan for world peace you may want to hear about.

  6. mikee Says:

    Are we firing from outside the snake, or from inside it?

  7. DaddyBear Says:

    Trust in me, just in me, a 12 gauge, used repeatedly, will take down a large snake. Might ruin the hide, though.

  8. emdfl Says:

    The PTB and the enviros will complain about this until there are NO small animals left in the Glades, but the one thing that will never happen is putting a bounty on the damn snakes and allowing hunters to go in and kill the damn things for profit.
    (See wolf bounties in the last century.).

  9. Wolfman Says:

    I’ve read some articles (yeah, phantom ones, because I don’t remember where or when) about python hunting with .223. Even a huge snake should succumb to a rapidly expanding 55gr in the right spot. I also recall Boddington shooting a black mamba in Africa once with a .300 H&H. I would guess any EBR would be about right for this. That would let hunters with ‘semi-automatic machine gun scary black patrol assault weapons’ get out there and save the world from invading reptiles. How could the media possibly spin that? I like snakes and lizards ok, but I don’t think there’s enough people that think these things are cute to save them, especially if you show pictures of them stuffed full of the anti’s favorite fuzzy little creatures.

  10. Rivrdog Says:

    Tarantulas are cute, fuzzy critters, but the two people I know who have had them for pets are a tad touched…same with snakes. Don’t know any herpetologists personally, only a turtle-fancier, but at work I had to deal with several snake-woners. They were not normal people.

  11. Cargosquid Says:

    Are these the same “scary” pythons that I watch nature show hosts chasing, catching, and stuffing into bags? Why waste ammo? Just whack it with a large heavy sharp object.

  12. HL Says:

    We could breed enormous mongooses (mongeese?)…I am thinking in the 2 ton range…

  13. FormerFlyer Says:

    Not to ruin a really good line of fun answers, but. . .

    A .22 works great, as does a .38 or .44 revolver full of shot (at close range). Think walnut sized targets (if you’re shooting for the head) and 15 yard and closer range. I got to shoot a Burmese Python that got lose from an “enthusiast” a couple decades ago, and it worked fine. One CCI Stinger to the head was quite sufficient.

    I used to use a Browning take down .22 with iron sights for rattlesnake hunting, and I usually carried a S&W kit gun in .22lr with CCI Shot capsules, but sometimes the #12 shot in the capsules wouldn’t go through the snake so I wouldn’t recommend the .22 revolver shotshells for python. When I bought a scandium .357 and then a Scandium .44, I carried them sometimes. With the #9 or #7 (I forget which) in the .38 & .44’s, most of the shot went through the rattlers, and that should be quite enough for a python. My wife swears by the .44 shot capsules in our Ruger 96/44 for backyard rattlesnake duty. At close range it usually obliterates the head, and doesn’t make so much noise that it disturbs the neighbors.

    This might, really, be one of the only good uses for the Taurus Judge.

    I do wonder, though, how some 300 lb feral hogs would do against those things. . . . Hmm. . . . . .


  14. Skip Says:

    Looks like a full grown ‘gater.
    Hog may have a little trouble with that pair of living cowboy boots.

  15. 45er Says:

    I’d have to go with 12 Gauge and birdshot. I have no idea why Florida doesn’t eliminate all regulation for hunting these things and let private shooters go in and wipe them out.

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