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Soylent green is not yet fully formed people

There ought to be a law.

Lawmaker proposes banning food made from fetuses, as though such a thing is really a problem.

7 Responses to “Soylent green is not yet fully formed people”

  1. John Smith. Says:

    Things like that rarely exist until some asshole decides it is good to ban and another asshole says hey you cannot ban it then starts making it to one up the man….

  2. Nomen Nescio Says:

    read more closely; this is a stealth bill. think about this language:

    No person or entity shall manufacture or knowingly sell food or any other product intended for human consumption which contains aborted human fetuses in the ingredients or which used aborted human fetuses in the research or development of any of the ingredients.

    food or any other product, yakety yakety, in the research or development, blah, any of the ingredients.

    in other words, they’re trying to ban stem cell research through the back door. food has nothing to do with it.

    why do they want to ban stem cell research, really? beats the fuck out of me. i suspect they’ve just become scared of the life sciences in general, that they’ve somehow decided biomedical research is a threat because of… fuck if i know. it might convince more people that yes we really did evolve out of apes, maybe?

  3. RobertM Says:

    Someone has watched a little too much South Park.

  4. Bubblehead Les Says:

    That Law is as Stealthy as King Kong sneaking up the Empire State Building.

  5. Wolfwood Says:

    Fetal stem cell research has given us nothing.

    Adult stem cell research has resulted in dozens of new treatments. It’s time to stop pretending that fetal stem cell research is anything but a buttress for abortion.

  6. Free-range Oyster Says:

    @Wolfwood – I largely agree. But this is a dishonest and/or moronic way to go about it. Probably “and”.

  7. noflashbang Says:

    This is all because some pro-life people have gotten up in arms over Pepsi using a company called Senomyx to help them develop/research a new low calorie soda. Senomyx has several patents that reference the use of stem cells from a line derived in 1970’s(HEK 293). It appears that they used these stem cells to engineer cells that function like taste receptors, so that they can test taste enhancers in a less error prone way than using human trials. Basically if more of the “sweet-taste” protein is created when additive A is added then when additive B, then additive A is “sweeter.”

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