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Maxpedition stuff

Jay has a review of his Maxpedition bag. And you can get them at Amazon.

One Response to “Maxpedition stuff”

  1. Patrick Says:

    Love their stuff; have a Monsoon (one-strap) backpack that goes everywhere with me. And yes, it has carried guns. It also works as a great diaper bag.

    The only downside for their products is the color options. It’s mostly TactiCool colors. Black works best with everyday clothing, but a little more color would go a long way towards making these things blend in. The one-strap sling bag I have doesn’t look “tactical” (more like a messenger bag), but most every other pack screams “operator wannabe”.

    They have some products in more colors, but the ones that you’ll actually use all look like they belong with a uniform.

    How about blue or red?

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