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About that blog roll

Since a few asked, I was doing some site clean up yesterday and noticed the blogroll that I hadn’t tended to in years was out of date with some bad links. Being one to use a shotgun for a housefly, I killed the whole thing and never got back around to it. I’ll get it done sometime soon. Based on emails and a comment, a few of you use that to read other blogs. Who knew those worked?

20 Responses to “About that blog roll”

  1. Alan Says:

    Blog rolls are passé.

  2. mikee Says:

    Your blog became a daily stop for me on the advice of Kim du Toit as he retired his blog. He wrote something about you being the Instapundit of gun blogging, or at least a well done aggregator blog.

    He also led me to Tam’s blog, as I recall through their kerfuffle about manliness and general virtue versus human-ness and general virtue. It was one of the few blog disagreements I have ever seen wherein both sides came out looking pretty good, even if not to one another.

    Random tries of your blogroll led me to all the wonderful blogs therein, and more besides. Huffman became an everyday read, and still is. I miss MAss Backwards, because pure invective so highly distilled as to make pixels burn the monitor is a rare commodity.

    So yes, I have used your blogroll for years and look forward to its return.

  3. dan Says:

    No, not when your readers have precious little time to hunt, and no intertubz at the rezidence. I used it. Often.

  4. North and the Gun Blog Black List Says:

    Just use the Gun Blog Black List…

  5. SGB Says:

    I used your blogroll for a while until I grabbed feeds.

  6. franxredhot Says:

    I scroll thru sayuncle every day-like mikee says above,Dutoit led me here.I then jump off to Tam and Volk’s livejournal,along with many others.I come here mainly for it’s content,but the links make it easier to get elsewhere.

  7. Adam Says:

    +1 – RSS is where it’s at.

  8. Sebastian Says:

    I’m with Alan on that, purely from a traffic based standpoint. The question is how much does it help Google-Fu? It certainly doesn’t help yours, because any outgoing leak is leaking page rank, but if a lot of blogs have you on your blogroll, it helps your PR.

    But as a whole, I’m not really of the opinion that blog rolls matter much.

  9. Damon Says:

    When you get to putting it back, it’d be great if you could add Bison Ballistics to it! – I’ve only got a few articles up, but I’m trying to get the word out!

  10. Leatherwing Says:

    I found you from Tam’s blogroll. So they help.

  11. PMain Says:

    Thanks for the heads up, was convinced it was a FireFox update issue. Like others use it daily to check several bloggers I love to read. Have bookmarked the ones that aren’t there. Would RSS them, but doesn’t help when using someone else’s PC.

  12. DirtCrashr Says:

    And passé is so gauche! We must keep up with the trend-o-meter and only the latest meme will adequately inform the cognoscenti.
    It would be nice if there was an automatic link-checker for such things.

  13. Jay G. Says:

    Unc, if’n you do update the ‘roll, and I make the cut again, please note that MArooned has a shiny new URL…

  14. BalloonGoesUp Says:

    I think they do help and I watch which blogs are getting outgoing clicks to see what people might be interested in.

    If I like a blog I look at their roll to see what they are reading, assuming I will like it too.

    I also see I get traffic everyday from blogs that have me listed. They probably help the little guys more than fully established blogs

  15. Old NFO Says:

    I’ve used it to find a LOT of folks I currently read…

  16. Jerry Says:

    I found you through that Kim Da-Twat guy, I wish he still blogged. And yeah, I used your blogroll. You would not BELIEVE how much I like that Oleg link.(Cough,cough,ahem…) That being said, LOOK, A BABY WOLF!!!!

  17. Justthisguy Says:

    Uncle, I generally go to your site first or second, every day, and then click on the sites on your blogroll to see what those other folks are up to. That’s why I miss the blogroll. Your site is like a, whatchacallit, Web Portal for me.

  18. Justthisguy Says:

    P.s. I wish you would put Squeaky back on there. I know she doesn’t post much these days, but she could use some sympathy, the way the Lyme Disease seems to be kicking her ass lately. I speak as a fellow bandsman in re Squeaky. Anybody who can play the Mozart concerti on the French Horn is a friend of mine.

  19. Justthisguy Says:

    Sebastian, you juvenile! What are you, thirty-something?
    Page rank? Google-Fu? PR? Eff that noise!

    I thought this was about gentlemen discussing important matters of public policy, not trying to get other people to send money.

    Uncle has ads on both sides of the page, for those who have money to spend on what’s being sold in them (I don’t, but wish I did). I thought that was to help Uncle defray the cost of what he was going to write anyway, but not the main purpose of his blog.

  20. SayUncle Says:

    JTG, the page rank stuff has to do more with attracting new visitors than ad revenue. If you want to influence, you need eyeballs.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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