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SOPA protest fail

There’s a post I see in reader, want to read and link. Then they redirect all day to the SOPA protest page.

25 Responses to “SOPA protest fail”

  1. Jennifer Says:

    Sorry about that. Meant to schedule it for tomorrow.

  2. Lazy Bike Commuter Says:

    An inconvenience, but isn’t that the point? I’d say that’s a SOPA protest success…

  3. Jennifer Says:

    Hmm, is it vain to assume it was me, or just honest to own my fail?

  4. Alex Says:

    Happening a lot today.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    It was many people. LBC, just wondering why they’d d a post then get all SOPA.

  6. RWC Says:

    Is this post in English?

  7. martywd Says:


  8. El Bombardero Says:

    Isn’t that the point though, to show you how frustrating and infuriating it will be to have the internet censored by greedy self serving cunts?

  9. Seerak Says:

    This post seems more YODA than SOPA.

  10. Sigivald Says:

    Pretty much all of the “protest” today strikes me as self-important posturing.

    (That and some of the things I’ve seen the pages claim SOPA does are utterly insupportable to anyone who’s actually read the thing.

    It’s a bad law, but it’s not “that” bad. Contra various claims I’ve seen, it won’t send you to prison for posting a copyrighted picture on your blog, or get it taken down if one random commenter posts a link to infringing content.

    I’m capable of distinguishing bad law that shouldn’t pass as written (which is what SOPA is), from The End Of Everything (which is what it isn’t), and speaking about it in real terms using the actual language of the bill; what (shouldn’t, but does) surprises me is that so much of the “protest” seems to be written in terms of copied hysterical press releases rather than any understanding of the actual proposed law in detail.

    * That’s already illegal outside of fair use boundaries, but it’s a fine, not jail, and not even that in almost all cases, if it’s plainly non-commercial use and/or it’s taken down when the owner complains.)

  11. SayUncle Says:

    Lol, brain fart and lazy fingers.

  12. RWC Says:

    LOL Seerak

    Glad I’m not the only one.

  13. Roberta X Says:

    So, Sig, the censorship provisions are jake with you, then? And, oh, well, nobody will get locked up for a stay link, so it’s not *so* bad?

    Righty-o. Me and these here Japanese people in camps, we hear ya. This-here’s the U-S-A and we don’t *starve* people in *our* concentration camps, we’re wayyyy better than that….

    …But still, it appears, not as good as our Bill of Rights. Not quite. And why bother to try keeping things from getting worse?

  14. Ellen Says:

    Sigivald — there is no law so clearly written that a cop, judge, or administrator can’t use it to trouble you. Surely you don’t want them to have an incomprehensible bill to play with?

    Heck, they don’t even need a law. Try taking a photo of a cop misbehaving and see if you and your camera stay free and undamaged!

    A bad law is a legislative expression of contempt for the citizens. And in return, it breeds contempt for legislation in general.

  15. El Bombardero Says:

    Sigivald – Do I even need to mention the slippery slope argument?

  16. Jake Says:

    So, Sig, the censorship provisions are jake with you, then?

    Hey, I had nothing to do with it!

    Sorry, couldn’t resist. You may now return to the topic at hand. 🙂

  17. SPQR Says:

    The idea that the entertainment industry lacks enough legal tools to address content piracy ought to be silly enough to anyone following the outrageous conduct of the RIAA and Righthaven.

    Any claim that the entertainment industry needs more tools, including ex parte methods of attacking domains without due process, is even more laughable.

    There is no excuse for SOPA/PIPA except as further rent seeking from an already out of control entertainment industry.

  18. BrokenDemocracy Says:

    Sigivald sez: “Pretty much all of the ‘protest’ today strikes me as self-important posturing.”

    Does Sigivald know what “self-important” means?

    “Self-important” means that I get mine and F-you if you don’t like it…

    Sound familiar?

    Sound like SOPA???

  19. lucusloc Says:

    Is it wrong for me to want an “i agree sopa sux, now let me see the content i want” button? hell, id even be willing to sign a petition. . .

  20. Linoge Says:

    This post seems more YODA than SOPA.

    *snerk* Win, made of.

  21. Standard Mischief Says:

    >It was many people. LBC, just wondering why they’d d a post then get all SOPA.

    I just wanted to put something out before I started pumping out a “503 Service Unavailable” to everyone that already subscribes. If your reader didn’t cache it before, well I promise it will be there tomorrow.

    My post isn’t anything more than a heads-up really.

  22. LiberalsAreIdiots Says:

    The real reason the protest is a failure is because the house allready said NO.

    I really love it when idiots start a protest and right before it goes full steam the folks they are protesting just turn and go the other way.

    Empty protest make me smile

  23. Tam Says:


    Pretty much all of the “protest” today strikes me as self-important posturing.

    I think you just described blogging. 😉

  24. Tam Says:

    Commenter 22 has the most ironic screen name on the ‘tubes today.

  25. Phelps Says:

    That was my point.

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