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The new fact checking arm of the News Sentinel isn’t so facty.

6 Responses to “Truthiness”

  1. Gerry Says:


  2. HiddenHills Says:

    From a site that censors and blocks comments more than the Oak Ridger, what else would be expected?

  3. Obi-Wan Kenobi Says:

    It’s true. From a certain point of view.

  4. Luke Skywalker Says:

    A certain point of view?!

  5. LKP Says:

    There’s a reason I read the Wall Street Journal. I got tired of all the insults and slander they dumped on gun owners.

  6. HL Says:

    What else would you expect from “The Slantinel”?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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