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Deal Alert

I read Garden and Gun at my doctor’s office. Near 50% off a subscription at Amazon.

And if you have a kindle and prime, you can get Aunt B.’s book for free.

4 Responses to “Deal Alert”

  1. Dwight Brown Says:

    Wasn’t there some issue a while back with “Garden and Gun” refusing paid advertising from the NRA?

  2. ZerCool Says:

    Or you can get it for four bucks via DealNews.

    I have a subscription and find it to be perfect Smallest Room reading material.

  3. countertop Says:

    If I recall they didn’t want to accept the ad because it was political. Don’t recall what the ad was for specifically. But they run plenty of ads for guns generally. And certainly review plenty of beautiful guns.

  4. Borepatch Says:

    Not much “gun” in there, once you’ve stripped out the $20k shotties.

    Good recipes, though. Made a great chicken pot pie out of the Dec 2010 edition.

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