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Repeal VA’s handgun rationing

I concur. If they can say only one per month, why not one per year or decade or lifetime?

6 Responses to “Repeal VA’s handgun rationing”

  1. Bubblehead Les Says:

    This should be a goodie. We’ll see how much Power the Beltway DemaCommie Virginians have in their Legislature.

    One does get tired of an entrenched Political Machine based in one Metro Area denying the RKBA to the rest of the State, like Chicago does to Illinois.

  2. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Or like the Aussies who have to sell an old gun if they want to buy a new gun and they’re over their magical limit of how many of “gunX” they’re allowed to own.

    And who cares, Loughner did all his dirty work with one gun, Cho did it with two (and all but two of his mags were 10-rounders) and meanwhile I haven’t even gotten a speeding ticket with dozens…and then there’s Jay…

  3. Calm Gun Says:

    Absurd. I hope Virginians reject this nonsense.

  4. Calm Gun Says:

    And hold the politicos accountable.

  5. Dean Kennedy Says:

    Don’t give them any ideas or it will be one a year or one in a life time.

  6. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner Says:

    This seems like Our best shot in years with a solid majority in the House and an even split in the Senate. In the event of a tie in the Senate, the Lt. Gubnor has the tie breaking vote, and he seems to be solidly in the pro-freedom camp. The VCDL seems to be focusing more on Castle Doctrine, which is also needed. Personally, I’d like to see Constitutional Carry legislation passed, but that might be a tough sell at this time.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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